Evening Service
This evening the service will be based on Tanzania. We will be hearing from the building team about their time in Tanzania and we will be praying for Steve and Ruth before they leave. This will be their last Sunday with us before they return.
Week of Prayer
Our annual week of prayer will commence on Sunday 11th September, with an evening prayer service, and run through to Friday 16th September. This is an opportunity for us to lift CBC ministries and gospel expansion to God in prayer. A leaflet is being produced with prayer bullet points to aid your prayer and this will be available next Sunday. We would encourage you all to be involved and below are the opportunities to do so…
- Sunday 11th – evening service
- Monday 12th – mission and persecuted church prayer meeting, 7:45pm
- Tues 13th – men’s curry evening
- Wednesday 14th – early morning prayer 7:15am
- Saturday 17th 8:30am morning prayer
In addition the church will be open on the following days:
- Wed 14th morning from 9:30am-12;
- Thurs 15th evening from 7:30pm-9:00pm;
- Friday 16th morning from 9:30am-12
All life groups will be provided with the prayer bullet points and we would encourage you to use your meeting as a time of prayer. Also study buddy groups, DNA groups and any other groups, are encouraged to spend this period as an opportunity for prayer. Thank you.
Missions and Persecuted Church Prayer Meeting
This will now take place on Monday 12th September (not the 5th) at 7:45pm at Priory Street. Please speak to Wendy for more details of this prayer meeting.
The Ark
This starts again on the last Saturday of September (24th) Do come along and join us for puppets, craft, songs, bible stories and cake. It’s aimed at 0-7 year olds but all are welcome. We particularly need extra help in the kitchen – preparing and serving drinks and cake but also people to pray are always very much needed. Please speak to either Alexa or Heather if you are able to help. Thank you.
Child Protection Training will take place on Saturday the 17th September. The session starts at 9:00am in the coffee hall. Please make sure you arrive in good time.
One Anothering: Gift of God’s Grace For Our Growth in Christ
This is the name of the ladies’ bible study for the school calendar year 2016-2017! Our women will come together to address the theme of “One Anothering” from scripture and how God actually uses our relationships with one another to conform us into Christ’s likeness. Every relationship, even difficult ones, is a gift of God’s grace for our growth in the knowledge and likeness of Christ. If you would like to be involved, please contact Kathy, Anne or Vicky. Also check Grace Place blog for additional information.
Please take a sheet about the studies from the table at the back as well as a note on one-to-one meetings which we call Study Buddies.
Men’s Curry Night
There will be a curry night for the men on Tuesday 13th September at 7:15pm. Please speak to Ian or Paul if you would like to attend this meal.
Another new youth group is starting!
Engage is a youth group for Years 3 – 5 (ages 7-10) starting on Friday 9th September, 4.30-5.30pm to be held at Priory Street. Please pray for this new group. If you want to know more about either Energize or Engage, please speak to Rhiannon. Thank you.
Midweek Service,
This will be on Wed 7th Sept. The text is Philippians 2.5-11. Eric will be leading and preaching, with communion.