This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

Biblical-Prayers-for-the-New-YearHappy New Year dear ones!

I came across “5 Prayers for the New Year.” I think it is not only appropriate but fundamental in how we should pray as followers of Christ. Let’s pray for one another: to walk in holiness as we are being conformed into His image through His grace. (1Peter 1:14-16) Let’s pray to remember WHO WE ARE in Christ. (Colossians 3:1-3) Let’s pray that we will be women of biblical wisdom and humility (Proverbs 11:2, 31:25-26)Let’s pray for God’s strength and to rely on Him only (Psalm 138:3, Philippians 4:13). Finally, let’s pray that we will centre ourselves on God’s word. (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16) It is alive and powerful. It is active. It cuts both ways: it encourages and comforts and teaches us how to love God and love others.  It also confronts and challenges, rebukes and corrects us. It shows us the way to become more like Christ everyday by training us in righteousness. It shows us how to please our Heavenly Father and give Him glory and honour. It is light for our paths and a lamp to our feet so we can take one step at a time in walking in His will for us.

Our women’s team at CBC and beyond are looking forward to growing together with you in 2018! Let’s encourage one another as we to learn to rest in God’s grace in our journey to becoming more like Christ. ‘As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend!’ Proverbs 27:17

Love, Kathy x

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