Notices for 7th January 2018

Notices for 7th January 2018

Prayer Meeting

A reminder that we will be having our usual prayer meeting this evening at 6pm.  All welcome!

Learn to Witness

What is the gospel, and how can we share it? Eight weeks of interactive training during the evening services in January through to April (not including prayer evenings and praise evenings) to equip and encourage ourselves for the task of evangelism. Bring a pen and we’ll provide the rest!  Where: Priory Street; When: 6:00-7.30pm, Sunday evenings.

Church Directory 2018

Please complete a form, which you can find at the back, if your details have changed or you are new to this fellowship.  Once completed, leave in the box on the table at the back. The directory will be published later this month. PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY!! Thank you!

11:15am Newcomers’ Lunch

If you are new to this fellowship and attend the 11:15am service, we would love to get to know you a bit better.  We are having a lunch on Sunday 21st January 2018 after the service and there is a sign-up sheet at the back.  Please put your name down if you can come!

Midweek Service

The first midweek service of the year will take place on Wednesday 10th January at 2pm.  The texts are John 1.35-42 and Luke 5.1-11. Eric will be leading and preaching and there will be communion.

Leaders’ Retreat

Our leadership team will be going on their annual retreat on 26-27 January.  Please pray for them as they prepare for this important event in their calendar.

Church Meeting

The first Church Meeting of the year will take place on Monday 22nd January at 8pm at Priory Street.  As ever, important issues will be discussed so please try to attend if you are a member of CBC.

Thank you to CBC

Steve and Gill Bryant (missionaries with WEC International) would like to thank the church for their recent generous financial gift for our personal support. This is very much appreciated.

MK Staff Training 2018

Last summer (2017) CBC hosted the MK Staff Training course for WEC International. As a church we had the opportunity to meet and be a blessing to new mission workers from all over the world, preparing to serve in schools attended by missionaries’ children. The same course will be held at CBC again in 2018, from Sunday evening 22nd July to Thursday morning 2nd August. We are looking for hosts to provide accommodation, and help with catering and taxi driving for our participants. If you would like to help in any way please talk with Steve or Gill Bryant. Thank you!


…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am

Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7.30pm

Friday: CMDAC 9.30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am


…Coming up…

21st January: Newcomers’ lunch for those attending 11:15am service

21st January: Praise evening, 6pm

22nd January: Church Meeting, 8pm

24th January: Midweek service, 2pm

26th-27th January: Leaders’ retreat

26th January: The Ark, 10am

29th January: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm