This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE
This thoughtful quote is from one of my favourite authors, Sinclair Ferguson. To grow in grace is to allow Jesus’ redeeming love to act in our undeserving lives to change us to be more and more like Christ. The pattern of Jesus’ life was one of sacrifice, being misunderstood, and many adversities….he was unjustly accused. And, He ultimately died for it- in God’s great plan of salvation for us. All the while Jesus lived on this earth He showed us how to serve and love God and others. He was filled with God’s purpose and joy within Him. We too, should expect adversity, trials, testing, persecution, and injustice toward us at some point in our lives. When Jesus suffered, we suffered. When He died, we died. But also, when He was raised, we will be raised too! We will be with Him in glory! The glory of WHO HE IS in all his majesty. And we will be like Him. The grace of God’s gospel is what grows us to be more and more like Jesus.
These last few months have proven to be stretching for me. In trying to serve God, the enemy has thrown relational toxic stuff at me. Yes, it hurts. It’s painful. But you know, God has it all in hand through His purposes. I am preaching the Gospel to myself everyday. He is transforming me into His likeness. I can trust Him because I am in Christ. I am able to pray for these dear ones. That’s Christ in me. And I realize that I do most of my growing in grace when circumstances or relationships are challenging. When things are wonderful, I face the temptation of self-righteousness and self-reliance. This is a dangerous place to be as a follower of Christ.
So be encouraged. If you are facing adversity in some form or another, God’s grace that saved you is the same grace that is sustaining you! More than that, He is growing you to be more and more like Jesus!
Love, Kathy