I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life (Session 6) – Study Buddy Questions by Ruth L on John 14: 1-14

This post by christinecoltman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

The events in our passage take place just a few hours before Jesus went to the cross.  He and His disciples are having dinner together, as they’ve done many times before.  In their last few hours together Jesus is making the most of the opportunity to teach, help and comfort them.

Read John 14: 1-14

1. Verse 1: why did Jesus command His disciples not to let their hearts be troubled? Have a look at John 13, Matthew 26:17-29 and Luke 22: 14-38 to remind yourselves what had been said and done before Jesus spoke these words. Put yourself in the disciples’ place and describe how you would be feeling.

2. Jesus says that the way to keep our hearts from being troubled is to trust, believe in Him and in God.  One translation puts it this way: “You must not let yourselves be distressed—you must hold on to your faith in God and to your faith in me.” 

It is true to say that sometimes this is easier said than done.  Perhaps you are in a situation that is troubling you at the moment. 

  • How are you keeping your heart from being troubled?  How do verses 2 and 3 help you? 
  • What spiritual strategies have you developed that help you in this? 
  • Share with your buddy the Bible verses that help you to hold onto your faith in these times. 

3. Jesus’ disciples were ordinary people, just like you and me. The disciple Thomas appears only a few times by name in the New Testament. He is sometimes unfairly given the nickname ‘Doubter’. Look at these passages:

John 11: 6-16                      John 14: 5                            John 20: 24-29

What can we learn about Thomas’ character and his journey of faith from these passages?  How does his faith grow?  Do you relate to Thomas in any way?

4. The other major world religions promote the way to heaven/paradise or spiritual perfection as being achieved through works – observing various rituals, meditation, fasting, and doing good works.

In contrast, Jesus says that He is the way.  He is the only path that leads to the living God and the only way by which our salvation is secured.  Look at these passages and identify the ways in which Jesus made our salvation possible:

2 Cor. 5: 21                   Isaiah 53: 4-5               Hebrews 9: 22             John 10: 17-18         1 Peter 1: 3

5. How many times does the word ‘Father’ appear in these verses? Is there any significance in the fact that Jesus mentions the Father so much?

These references speak of the intimacy and closeness that Jesus has with the Father.  Because of what Jesus has done on the cross He has opened up the way for us to call God the Father our father (Matt. 6: 9).  Consider the amazing privilege we have in being able to address the Almighty God in the same way that Jesus does and be treated as His children! (1 John 3: 1)


Spend some time in prayer praising God for giving us a way to come to Him and for the privilege of calling Him Father.  Pray for each other in the troubles that you are currently facing.