12th April 2015 newsletter

12th April 2015 newsletter


We warmly welcome the friends and families of those who are being baptised this morning. Please stay for refreshments after the service.

Rob Durant’s Induction

Rob’s induction service is being held at Corsham Baptist Church, Priory Street, next Saturday, 18th April at 2pm. We look forward to welcoming Rob to the pastorate of CBC and everyone is invited to celebrate this special day in the life of this fellowship. Rob will be a pastor of Corsham Baptist Church with specific oversight of the new Rudloe Congregation.

Thank you!

“A huge thank you to everyone who helped in any way at the holiday club which was held last Tuesday to Friday.  It was an amazing week, both children and adults had a fantastic time.  You are all truly wonderful. Thank you!.” Rhiannon

9am and 11am Services

On 28th June, we will commence our two-service Sundays – one at 9am and the other at 11am. Alan Kember will be the elder overseeing the 9am service and Alan Christie will be overseeing the 11am service. Please talk to either Alan Kember or Alan Christie as you consider which service you would like to attend and serve at. Please note there will be junior church facilities at both services. Examples of areas of serving could be: junior church, worship, sound, projection, intercessory prayer and prayer ministry, greeting, money-counting, teas.

Annual Church Meeting

Please note, the Annual Church Meeting will be held on Monday 20th April at 8pm at Priory Street followed by an ordinary Church Meeting. This is a very important evening as we will conduct leadership elections and there will be other important discussions concerning church life on the agenda. Previous minutes and the agenda will be made available next week. Please would as many church members as possible attend.

Worship/Creative Movement Sessions

PLEASE NOTE – THIS IS NOT A DANCE CLASS! and not just for girls/women!!It is intended to run the first of 6 sessions on Friday 24th April 7:45pm-9:15.The sessions will be an opportunity to explore various creative ways of moving in worship and expressing our heart before God. Anyone 16 or over is welcome to come along – the sessions will be accessible to all including those needing to be chair-based. Please speak to Mandy for more info.

The Vicar of Baghdad

Canon Andrew White is the priest in-charge of one of the world’s most beleaguered churches and the hardships faced by him and his congregation are almost intolerable.

However, the resilience and faith of the Christians in Baghdad are an inspiration to us all and in spite of the repression, prejudice and persecution there is real hope and belief in the salvation to be found in Christ which is shared by us all.

The moving story of Canon Andrew White and his fellow Christians is told by the Rev. David Post in a one hour audio/visual presentation which reveals the challenges and difficulties of being a Christian in one of the most unstable countries in the world.

Following his retirement, David visited St George’s Church, Baghdad and on his return to Britain he decided to travel the length and breadth of the country to highlight the work of the church to as many people as possible; his mode of transport is by bicycle.

David will be telling their story at St. Bartholomew’s church, Corsham on Tuesday 14th April at 7.30pm. The evening is free and refreshments will be served during the event.

Steve’s visit to Central Asia

Steve is currently in Central Asia where he is visiting various missionary teams and speaking at a conference.  Steve and Gill would really value your prayers during this time.  For further information, please speak to Gill or see the church website or the missions notice board in the coffee hall.

Our Missionaries – Steve and Ruth Lancaster

Copies of the Lancaster newsletter for March are on the table at the back. Please take one and keep up to date with their activities and ministry in Tanzania.

Pilgrim’s Friend Fund-Raiser

Please see the poster at the back regarding a music concert in aid of Pilgrims’ Friend Society. Nancy Sawyer will be singing a few pieces at the event. Saturday 25th April, 7pm at Zion Church in Trowbridge. There is a sign-up sheet for tickets next to poster which contains all details.

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am

Tuesday: Vicar of Baghdad presentation, St. Bart’s, 7.30pm

Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am

Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm

Friday: Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Prayer for Gospel expansion in Corsham 8.30am; Rob’s induction service, 2pm

Looking ahead…

20th April: Annual Church Meeting and Ordinary Church Meeting, 8pm

22nd April: Midweek service, 2pm

24th April: First worship/creative movement session, 7.45pm

25th April: The Ark, 10am

27th April: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

2nd May: Craft Group, 10am

3rd May: Infant Dedication

6th May: Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church, 7.30pm

10th May: Infant Dedication