Please note, next week will be a baptism service.
Rob Durant Visit
We are prayerfully considering inviting Rob Durant to join our pastoral staff at CBC. Rob is well-known to many here as he was formerly a student pastor with us for three years. He has since been serving as a pastor in Dagenham. Rob and Sharon will be with us 29-30 November, together with their children Anna (6) & Eddie (4). The provisional programme is:
Sat 29th
- Lunch with our Rudloe Congregation
- 3-5pm Open house at the Larkmans for any who have not yet met Rob and Sharon
- 7.30pm Leadership Team meet with Rob and Sharon
Sun 30th
- 10.45am Rob preaching at our morning service, with opportunity to chat afterwards
- 4-5pm Question and answer session with Rob at CBC – your chance to ask!
- 5pm Tea / coffee and informal chat
- 6pm Rob preaching at our evening service, with more opportunity to talk afterwards.
A special church meeting will be held at CBC on Monday, 1st Dec at 8pm, to decide whether to proceed with calling Rob to join our staff team.
Please be in daily prayer for these important events. Meanwhile, if you would like to sample Rob’s ministry on-line, visit his website for sermons and writings that will encourage you in following Jesus.
Life in the Lancs Lane
Steve and Ruth, our missionaries in Tanzania, have compiled another interesting and information-packed newsletter for November. There are paper copies on the table at the back or you can visit their blog at
We are sending the Lancasters a parcel for Christmas and invite you to write cards and/or give small gifts which we will send all together. Please give to Kathy.
Questions and Cake!
Vicky is organising some dates when housegroups will get together over “questions and cake”. The dates are:
Tuesday 18th November; Thursday 4th December; Wednesday 14th January
7.45pm start and 9.15pm finish. Please speak to Vicky for more details.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service will be held on Wednesday 19th Nov at 2pm. Eric will be leading and preaching and the text will be Luke 8.26-39.
Men’s festive curry!!
On 9th December, 7.30pm £7.50 per head. Ian Holmes organising…please contact him for more info.
Ladies’ Bible Study
The next ladies’ bible study will be held at CBC on Monday 24th November at 7.30pm. All ladies are welcome to attend. Please speak to Anne Holmes or Kathy Larkman if you would like to know more about these meetings.
Ladies’ Christmas Meal
This will be held on Monday 15th December at 7.30pm. We will have home-made soup and pudding. Cost is £3pp. Please sign up on the sheet at the back so we have an idea for catering purposes. Thank you.
Prayer Meeting
We are continuing with our regular prayer meetings for gospel expansion in Corsham and surrounding areas. The meetings take place in The Hut from 8.30-9.30am on Saturday mornings. We would encourage people to attend this prayer meeting and everyone is welcome!
Trip to Oasis Centre, Austria
Joan is going out to visit the Oasis Centre and shall be returning to England on Saturday 6th December. If anyone is able to pick Joan up from Heathrow at 9.25pm on the 6th and return to Corsham, please contact her.
Christmas Services 2014 at CBC
14th Dec 10.45am – Christmas nativity service
17th Dec 2pm – carol service
21st Dec 6pm – carols by candlelight
24th Dec 6pm – Christmas eve, with communion
25th Dec 10am – Christmas day family worship service
This week:
Monday: Young mums’ bible study,10am
Tuesday: Questions and cake: housegroups’ meeting, 7.45pm
Wednesday: Morning prayer, 7.15am; Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm
Friday: Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion in and around Corsham, 8.30am, the Hut
Ebola crisis
If anyone would like to donate towards the Ebola crisis, you may do so by putting money into a white donation envelope (available on the table in the church entrance) and mark it ‘EBOLA’. Place your envelope into the offering bag. If you are a tax-payer and qualify for gift-aid, you may also fill in your other details on the envelope and sign it, and this will enhance the value of your gift.
Upcoming dates in brief:
23rd Nov: Baptism service
24th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
29th Nov: The Ark, 10am
29th-30th Nov: Rob and Sharon visiting Corsham Baptist Church (various)
30th Nov: Rob Durant to preach at both morning and evening services @ CBC
1st Dec: Special Church Meeting, 8pm
3rd Dec: Midweek service, 2pm
4th Dec: Joint housegroup, questions & cake, 7.30pm
9th Dec: TLC @ St. Aldhelms
9th Dec: Men’s Christmas supper
15th Dec: Ladies’ Christmas meal, 7.30pm