Church Meeting
Our first Church Meeting of 2015 took place on Monday and the following people were welcomed into membership at Corsham Baptist Church:
Kathy Ewins; Michelle Burton; John and Amanda Godwin; Lionel and Shirley Davel; Tim and Kathryn Hogg; Neal and Lesley Grindrod; David and Sue Morrell; Joe and Roz Shillaker; Garrie Dixon.
Saturday morning prayer
There is a prayer meeting every Saturday morning for the new work in Rudloe and for wider gospel expansion in Corsham. We meet in the hut at 8.30am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Midweek Service
This will take place on Wednesday, 4th February, at 2pm and the text will be Luke 9.46-50. Eric will be leading and David Morrell will be preaching.
CBC Craft Group
Have you a craft or sewing skill you can share or something you would like to learn? Come and join CBC Craft Group on the first Saturday of the month between 10am–12.30pm in the coffee hall starting on 7th February. For more information contact Pam Mitchell or Kathy Ewins or just pop in in February to see what we are doing! Please keep the insert for future reference.
Junior Church, Kestrels
Thanks to everyone who helped last year. There will be a sign-up sheet in the main hall for anyone who would like to help in the kestrels group (ages 4-6) this year. Sheet runs from now until Easter and you only need to sign up for those dates when you are available.
Baby Dedication
Next Sunday at the 10.45am service we will be welcoming the friends and family of Nathan and Christine as their baby son, Reuben, is dedicated.
Life in the Lancs Lane
Steve and Ruth, our missionaries in Tanzania, have returned to Africa after a short Christmas break in the UK. They have compiled another interesting and information-packed newsletter for January. There are paper copies on the table at the back or you can visit their blog at
Lost Property
The lost property table will be out for the next two weeks in the coffee hall. There is an array of items from lipstick to duvet cover, books, clothing and even a pair of rubber dolphins!! Please take what belongs to you. Whatever remains after two weeks will be disposed of.
Housegroup Leaders’ Meeting
There will be a housegroup leaders’ meeting on Monday 16th February. Venue and time of meeting will be announced next week. Please speak to Vicky if you have any other queries.
This week…
Monday : Mums’ bible study group, 10am
Wednesday : Early morning prayer, 7.15am; midweek service, 2pm
Thursday : Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am, The Hut; Craft Group, 10am
Looking ahead…
7th February: CBC Craft Group, 10am
8th February: Baby dedication, 10.45am
14th February: Matthew & Ginny’s wedding, 12.30pm
16th February: Housegroup leaders’ meeting
18th February: Midweek service, 2pm; Missions and persecuted church prayer meeting, 7.30pm
22nd February: Baby dedication, 10.45am
23rd February: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm
28th February: The Ark, 10am