Newsletter for 25th October 2015

Newsletter for 25th October 2015

Ladies’ Bible Study

The next study will take place Monday evening, 26th October, 7.30-9.15pm. Please speak to Anne Holmes for more information. Study sheets are on the table at the back.

“Grace Place”

Check out our new blog, GRACE PLACE, which is geared to women of all ages in our CBC and Rudloe communities and beyond. Look to see what books are recommended so far. Have you read any of them? Great stuff. We always appreciate feedback!

The Ark

Don’t forget the Ark on Saturday 31st October (the same day as the Light Party!) at 10.00am. We will also be thinking about Light (and Heaven) with puppets, bible story, songs, instruments, craft and cake.  Aimed at 0-7 year olds but all welcome.  Come and join in the fun!!

Annual Light Party

Next Saturday (October 31st) is our Light Party.  Please sign up at the back of church if you are able to help with this event.  We still need someone to lead and organise  worship, which is an important part of the light party, as this is a way for the non church children to really get involved with learning about Jesus in a fun way with actions.  There are also registration forms for children, so please take these and fill them in to save time on the night.  We need help to move the chairs after this evening’s service, please come and help at 7.30, the more, the merrier!  If you are coming to help at the event, please could you meet at church at 4pm in order to set up the final things and to have a time of prayer before the event.  We also need to move the chairs back after the event, if you can help with this then please come at 7.30pm on Saturday to help with this.  Finally, please pray for the children who will be attending and also for all the volunteers helping with this outreach event. Thanks!

New Wine

The Everetts are going to New Wine 31 July – 6th August 2016 and would love you to join them! For information about New Wine have a look on their website or ask the Everetts. If you book before 30th November you will get the best rates!


‘Connected’ is a new group designed to give busy parents an opportunity to get together to relax, have fun, share a meal and develop their relationships with Christian brothers and sisters, without the distraction of children! Our first meeting is on Saturday 14th Nov at Priory Street, 6-11pm. Contact Tim or Beth for more info.

Steve Bryant’s Thailand trip

If you would like more details about Steve’s trip, please pick up an information sheet from the table at the back of the church.

Free Christmas Stickers from the Bible Society

This year the Bible Society’s free Christmas stickers have been designed by Emma Skerratt who used to attend Corsham Baptist Church.  The stickers show the names of Jesus and are designed to be used to spread the real meaning of Christmas eg. on your Christmas card envelopes.  You can find details about them at If you don’t have access to the internet or prefer talking to a person, please ask Heather or Steve Chilcott!

Life Group and Future Life Group Leaders’ Day

This is taking place on Saturday 14th November from 9.30-1pm at the church.  Please discuss with Vicky Stephenson if you are interested.


** There will be no Eagles group for the next two weeks. **  The children will stay in the service.

…This week is half term so no…

Monday morning Mums’ bible study

Wednesday early morning prayer meeting

Thursday morning Toddler Group

Please check with your housegroup leader regarding midweek meetings.

…This week’s activities…

Monday: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm

Saturday: The Ark, 10am; The Light Party, 5-7pm

…Coming up…

1st November: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm

4th November: Midweek service, 2pm

10th November: TLC, 12 o’clock

14th November: Life Group leaders’ day, 9am; Craft Group, 10am; “Connected”, 6-11pm

15th November: Evening service – feedback from Tanzania mission trip

18th November: Midweek service, 2pm

28th November: The Ark, 10am

30th November: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

2nd December: Midweek service, 2pm

5th December: Craft Group, 10am

8th December: TLC, 12 o’clock

13th December: Nativity services

14th December: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm

16th December: Midweek service, 2pm

20th December: Carols by candlelight, 6pm