Newsletter for 31st May 2015

Newsletter for 31st May 2015

Ladies’ Bible Study

The next ladies’ bible study will be held on Monday 8th June at 7.30pm at Priory Street. The study notes are on the table at the back. Please take one so you can prepare for the study.

Midweek Service

Next midweek service will take place this Wednesday, 3rd June, at 2pm. The text is Luke 11.37-54. Eric will be leading and preaching.

Corsham Churches Together

Corsham Churches are planning a “Picnic on the Green” at St Patrick’s Church on Sunday 14th June from 3.00-5.00pm. It will be run on much the same lines as last year’s “Pentecost in the Park” with people being invited to bring along a picnic and craft activities being run for the children to do. Dan Ovens will be speaking at the event so please come along to support him and meet with other Christians in Corsham.

Prayer Chain Revision

The Prayer Chain is being revised.  If you would like to be part of the Prayer Chain, there are forms at the back of the church.  Please fill one in and return it to Helen or Margaret by June 28th 2015.

CBC Craft Group

Craft Group on Saturday 6th June, 10-12.30 in the coffee hall. There will be a ‘felt making’ demonstration this month as well as help with projects and the second part of the mini workshop in fabric boxes…Oh and chat and coffee and cake!  For more information see Pam and Kathy or just pop in next Saturday.

Pray through Ramadan

This year Ramadan is from 18th June to 17th July. A booklet is available to help you pray for the Muslim world during this period. Please visit or speak to Gill for more information.

Ladies’ Day 2015

This year our ladies’ day will be held at CBC Priory Street on Saturday 18th July starting at 10.30am and going through to late afternoon. There is a sign-up sheet on the back table so please write your name down! If you are only available for part of the day, please indicate whether you are intending to stay for lunch so we can cater accordingly. We are thrilled to welcome Cath Swanson from AIM as our guest speaker and our text for the day will be Matthew 11:28-30come to me all who are weary…” We look forward to a wonderful day in God’s presence and spending time with one another as sisters in Christ. Please speak to Anne or Kathy for more details about the day.

Volunteering for Bible Society at New Wine 2015

Bible Society will be hosting a café at New Wine and we are looking for volunteers to help serve drinks and cakes between 2nd & 8th August.  In return for about 6 hours per day in the café we will provide a free New Wine ticket, 3 meals per day, the opportunity to attend worship events, uniform and full training.  Please contact Susan Wingrave if you want any more information on how to apply. There are information sheets on the table at the back.

Prayer for Gospel Expansion

We continue to meet in the hut on Saturday mornings at 8.30am for an hour and pray for the plant in Rudloe and further gospel expansion in and around Corsham. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Our Missionaries – Steve and Ruth Lancaster

Copies of the new May/June Lancaster newsletter are on the table at the back. Please take one – alternatively you can read their blog online …

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am

Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm

Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am; Craft Group, 10am

…Looking ahead…

8th June: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

14th June: “Picnic on the Green”, St. Patrick’s Church, 3-5pm

15th-22nd June: Uganda Mission Trip

17th June: Midweek service, 2pm; Missions and Persecuted Church prayer meeting, 7.30pm

20th June: TLC summer party, 3pm

27th June: The Ark, 10am

28th June: Nominations open for Pastoral and Mission Deacons

28th June: Evening prayer service

1st July: Midweek service, 2pm, baptism

4th July: Craft group, 10am

5th July: Family day, service @ Priory Street followed by activities @ Rudloe Community Centre green

5th July: No evening service at Priory Street

8th July: Prayer for Missions & Persecuted Church, 7.30pm

12th July: Infant dedication

18th July: Ladies’ Day, 10.30am

19th July: Mission Sunday

20th July: Church Meeting, 8pm