Church Meeting
The first Church Meeting of the year will take place tomorrow night, Monday 22nd January at 8pm at Priory Street. Important issues will be discussed so please try to attend if you are a regular member of CBC. Agenda and previous minutes are available at the back.
Leaders’ Retreat
Our leadership team will be going on their annual retreat from 26th-27th January. Please pray for them as they prepare for this important event in their calendar.
Toddler Group
We need more workers and a lead person for our Thursday morning Toddler Group. Please step up to embrace this wonderful evangelistic opportunity in which to serve Christ. Talk to Kathy Larkman if you would like to know more about what this outreach entails.
Our CBC family would like to publicly thank SUE SAPIANO for her servant leadership in running the Toddler group for the last 8+ years. Her faithfulness and commitment have been such a blessing and inspiration! THANK YOU, SUE. We love you!
Fancy a fortnight in May building in Tanzania?
We are planning a mission trip to Tanzania again towards the end of May this year (provisional dates 19th May-1st June) to assist with an (AIM) Africa Inland Mission building project in Sanga Sanga where Steve and Ruth Lancaster are currently serving. The proposal is to assist with some buildings that will provide accommodation at a retreat centre used for conferences and children’s work. Before these plans can be developed, we need to advise the team in Tanzania how many of us could go so they can plan a suitable package of work for us. If you are interested, please contact Martin Sheringham.
Prayer for Pewsham
Prayer for Pewsham (Chippenham), second Sunday evening of each month. Please speak to Phil or Helen Osmond for full details.
Lancaster Newsletter
In case you missed the last Lancaster newsletter, there are copies of it on the table at the back. Please take one away to read.
New year Ark
Come along and join us as the Ark starts again on Saturday 27th January and bring your friends. 10am at CBC for crafts, bible stories, songs and puppets, all finished off with drink and cakes at 11am. Aimed at ages 0-7 with an adult, but older children welcome. If anyone would like more fliers to take into school/ nursery/hand out/leave in local businesses, please take from the back or ask Heather Chilcott.
Craft Group
Our next Craft Group will meet on February 3rd, 10am-12.30. Please chat to Hazel Hammett or Pam Mitchell if you require information about this monthly group.
Women’s Bible Study
Study notes are now on the table at the back for the next women’s bible study which will take place on Monday 29th January starting at 7:30pm. Please chat to Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes if you would like more information on these evenings.
Would you like help with daily Bible reading and prayer?
If you use apps on your phone, why not download and use something to help you follow Jesus? Read Scripture is an excellent aid to daily Bible reading, and Unreached of the Day enables you to pray daily for an unreached people group.
Alternatively, you can access this material through a computer: and
Highly recommended!
MK Staff Training 2018
Last summer (2017) CBC hosted the MK Staff Training course for WEC International. The same course will be held at CBC again in 2018, from Sunday evening 22nd July to Thursday morning 2nd August. We are looking for hosts to provide accommodation, and help with catering and taxi driving for our participants. If you would like to help in any way please talk with Steve or Gill Bryant. Thank you!
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; Church Meeting, 8pm
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7.30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am; the Ark, 10:00am
…Coming up…
26th-27th January: Leaders’ retreat
27th January: The Ark, 10am
29th January: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm
3rd February: Craft Group, 10am
7th February: Midweek service, 2pm
18th February: Baptism @ 11:15am service
21st February: Midweek service, 2pm
24th February: The Ark, 10am
25th February: Infant Dedication, 11:15am service
26th February: Women’s Bible Study, 7:30pm
2nd March: Women’s World Day of Prayer
3rd March: Craft Group, 10am
7th March: Midweek service, 2pm
11th March: Mothering Sunday
13th March: Eddie and Kathy trip to USA
16th March: Joint youth event @ CBC
21st March: Midweek service, 2pm
26th March: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm