Notice sheet 27th August 2017

Vic Woolford Funeral

The funeral service of Vic Woolford will take place on Thursday 31st August at 1pm at Priory Street followed by refreshments in the coffee hall.

Thank you from WEC UK HQ

We have recently received this message from Keith Gibson, training overseer at WEC…”Could you please pass on our heartfelt thanks to the membership…Steve and Gill tell me that they think about 50 people contributed something, whether it was accommodation, catering, shopping, providing cakes and salads, doing a taxi run for the participants, PA system etc. A HUGE thanks to all!….We trust that you as a church community will know deep joy through this very practical act of serving God’s “bigger plan” in this way and from a WEC UK perspective all that we can do is thank you profusely!”

Donations to Oasis Team

We have received a request from the Oasis Team in Austria for the following items to be sent out with Neal and Lesley Grindrod.  If you would like to donate any of the items mentioned in the list then please place the item in the box (at the back of church) marked ‘Oasis’ before Sunday 3rd September. Thank you very much for your support.

  1. Personally requested by the Oasis team:
  • Large box of ‘English’ teabags (PG Tips or similar)
  • Large bar of Cadburys Dairy Milk chocolate
  • 2x bars of Cadburys Marvellous Creations Jelly Popping Candy
  • 2x containers of Cream of Tartar (for baking)
  • 4 – 6 packets of jelly crystals (red, green and orange) for making jellies
  1. Requested for the refugee clothing room ministry:
  • Small and medium size underwear for men (new only please)
  • Small and medium size ladies’ underwear (new only please)
  1. Requested for the women and children’s outreach ministry:
  • Small bottles of ‘bubbles’ for the kiddies
  • Small bottles of food colouring (various colours) for colouring playdough

Please contact Wendy Rowe if you have questions about any of these items.

Grindrods’ four month mission trip

Neal and Lesley Grindrod depart for Austria on the 8th September.  They will be writing a regular blog and have written their first entry! Please pray for their preparations and that God would use them in a mighty way as they serve refugees at the Oasis Centre.  We will pray for them at services next Sunday.

Midweek Service

At the next midweek service on Wednesday 30th August at 2pm there will be two believers’ baptisms for John and Margaret Cole.  Eric Seager will be leading the service and David Morrell will be preaching.

Craft Club

A reminder that our craft club will recommence on Saturday 2nd September from 10:00am-12:30.  These sessions are held in the coffee hall at Priory Street.

Grace Place – Summer Reflections

Ladies, please visit GRACE PLACE summer reflections on Hebrews 12:1-3. May it be an encouragement to you as you run the race with godly perseverance over the summer months!  Please have a chat to Kathy Larkman for more information about her blog.

….Coming up…

30th August: Midweek service, 2pm; baptism service for John and Margaret Cole

2nd September: Craft Club, 10am

4th September: Meetings and ministries re-commence

8th September: Grindrods depart for Austria

8th-10th September: Church on the Green weekend away

10th-17th September: Week of Prayer

13th September: Midweek service, 2pm

17th September: Praise evening, 6pm

18th September: Mission and Persecuted Church prayer meeting, 7:45pm

22-24th Sept: Men’s camping weekend, Grittleton

25th September: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm

8th October: Harvest services