Mission Event
A reminder that it is the Mission Event this afternoon from 4:15pm to hear how God is working through our missionaries. It will be followed by a time of prayer during the evening service. The Bryant’s and Little’s will be sharing. Please come along and support our missionaries. Please bring any cakes to church between 4:00pm and 4:15pm. If you are able to help serve drinks for half an hour please see Wendy Rowe. Thank you.
Open Meeting
On Sunday 1st July, at 4:30pm, there will be an open meeting for all members of CBC to come along and ask any questions they may have regarding the future leadership structure of the church. It is an opportunity to seek clarification on anything you may be unclear about. The meeting will lead into the prayer service at 6pm.
Women’s Bible Study
The next women’s bible study will be on Monday 25th June at 7:30pm. The study notes are on the table at the back of church. Please take one in advance of the meeting. Chat to Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes if you would like to know more about the women’s meeting.
Prayer for Unsaved Family Members
Do you have family members who are indifferent or hostile to Jesus? Perhaps they once walked with Jesus but have now turned away from Him? Come and join us to pray for them on Wednesday June 20th 2018 at CBC 2-3pm. Please contact Helen Christie for further information.
Craft Club
Please note the craft club will not be held on the 7th July as it normally would have but will take place on Saturday 14th July. This year we will also have a summer meeting on 4th August. Please chat to Pam Mitchell or Hazel Hammett if you would like further information.
Midweek Service
Our next midweek service is taking place on Wednesday 13th June at 2pm. The text is 1 Peter 3.1-7. Eric Seager will lead and preach, and there will be communion.
Fancy attending New Wine for Free?
Bible Society are looking for volunteers to serve in their café in Week 2 of New Wine (5-11 Aug 2018). There’s no cooking involved and you get to serve with a great team of volunteers and staff. If you are interested, please email Sue Wingrave at work for further info susan.wingrave@biblesociety.org.uk.
The Gathering Weekend
This event is taking place on 7th and 8th July 2018. Meetings on the Saturday will be at Priory Street and on the Sunday at the Springfield Campus. Tickets at £5 per person are available through your congregational leader. Jenny Gaisford at 9:15am; John Godwin at the 11:15am service; Norman Fuggle at the midweek service & Adrian Pillinger at Church on the Green.
MK Staff Training Course 22nd July to 2nd August
We are currently expecting 14 adults and 3 children from 8 countries to attend this event which is being hosted by CBC. There are some specific areas of need, so please get in touch with us if you are able to help. See Steve or Gill Bryant if you can:
- be an emergency driver or ‘taxi driver’ (rota)
- loan us a child’s car seat for age 4 to 5
- look after three children aged 4, 5 and 11 for an hour or two
See Jo Sheringham or Liz Perks if you can provide cakes or tray bakes between Sunday evening 22nd and Tuesday 31st July. Many thanks!
Visit of Rev. Dr. Edgard Traboulsi
The Rev. Dr. Edgard Traboulsi and his wife Nada will be visiting our church on Sunday 24th June when he will preach at both the 9.15 and 11.15 services at Priory Street. Edgard is Minister of Lebanon Baptist Church and was recently elected an MP in the Lebanese parliament. He will give his testimony of God’s wonderful work in his life and update us on the latest situation in Lebanon. This will be a very stimulating and uplifting occasion.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; men’s fight night, 8pm
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
…Coming up…
17th June: “Gathered to Praise” 6pm
18th June: Persecuted Church and Missions prayer meeting, 7:45pm
20th June: Prayer for unsaved family members, 2pm
23rd June: Seniors’ summer party, 3pm
25th June: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm
27th June: Midweek service, 2pm
30th June: The Ark, 10am
1st July: Open meeting 4:30pm Priory Street
7th-8th July: The Gathering Weekend
9th July: Men’s fight night, 8pm; prayer for missions / persecuted church, 7:45pm
14th July: Craft club, 10:00am