Junior Church change over – 11.15am service
Some children will be moving to their new classes today, so if your child has started in Reception then they will be moving to the Kestrels group (in the main hall). If your child has started in year 2 – girls will be joining the Falcons (church hut) boys will be joining the Hawks (Scout hut). If you are unsure which class your child should be in then please speak to their teacher.
Ladies’ Bible Study/Social
The first ladies’ bible study of the autumn will take place on Monday 28th September at 7.30pm and will be a chilli night! Cost will be £4 per person. There is a sign-up sheet at the back so please sign up!
Same-Sex Marriage
Following on from previous notices regarding book recommendations on this subject, we are planning to run a morning meeting dedicated to this issue. The meeting will take place at Church on Saturday 10th October from 9am-12.30pm. The morning will include biblical teaching and will cover pastoral issues related to SSM. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion during the morning. Eddie, Rob and Dan will be leading the meeting.
The Ark
The next Ark will take place at church on Saturday 26th September from 10 – 10.45am. Aimed at 0-7 year olds but all welcome for bible stories, songs, wonderful crafts, puppets and cake! We would be grateful for any help with moving the chairs from 9.00am on the morning and putting them back about 11.00ish. If you would like to know any more about the Ark or you are able to help, please see Heather Chilcott.
Men’s Weekend Away
This is taking place from 25th-27th September. Please speak to Ian Holmes if you would like more information about this.
** Support for the Oasis Centre **
The crisis facing refugees in Austria is ongoing, and we would like to take every opportunity of helping the Oasis Centre in its work amongst them. We are currently investigating the possibility of sending out a small team to help at the Oasis Centre for a few weeks, and this will need our financial support. We shall be donating our harvest offerings on Sunday 4th October to the Refugee Crisis, but in the meantime any donations already given will be sent to Oasis in the next few days, and any further donations should be given in an envelope marked ‘REFUGEE CRISIS’, so that your donations can support either Oasis itself or the expenses of any worker or team which we may send out to Austria. If you qualify for Gift-Aid, please fill in your details on a gift-aid envelope. TINNED FOODS FROM THE HARVEST OFFERING WILL GO TO THE CORSHAM CHURCHES FOOD BANK – SEE BOARD FOR DETAILS.
Extract of a letter from Carol Halm at Oasis
“With all of the recent developments in Austria ie. so many refugees coming, I appreciate more than ever … your churches’ prayers! God has been so good thus far to give me an extra measure of strength and endurance in the midst of very long, hot and challenging days. I hope Julie and Naomi’s visit soon will be a blessing and lots of fun.”
The Oasis Centre in Austria
The Oasis Centre is a ministry to refugees run by International Teams and based in Traiskirchen, Vienna.
CBC has been supporting this work for over 13 years and around 25 of our members have been out there to help with this ministry, both individually and in groups. Several ‘van dashes’ have been undertaken, in which a team has packed a van full of much-needed clothing donated by the church, and driven it to Austria.
The focus of the team at the Oasis is to reflect the heart of God to refugees and offer them the hope, life and refuge that can only be found in Jesus. Working with Austrian and ethnic churches in the Vienna area, the team seeks to equip those who come to faith to be able to share Jesus with others, including their own people, both in Austria and in their countries of origin.
The ministries include: an evening coffee bar, evangelistic meetings, clothing room, the use of the Jesus film in the different languages represented among the refugees (available in over 40 different languages), distribution of Bibles and Christian literature in the mother tongue of the refugees, women’s ministries, personal Bible study groups, discipleship relationships, visiting refugees, relief ministry (meeting some of the basic needs of refugees which at the moment includes fresh food distribution), practical assistance (filling out forms, transportation for medical help), emergency assistance, computer help and also helping to maintain the Oasis building.
Julie and Naomi from Oasis are spending a few days with us in Corsham and are joining us today at CBC. You are invited to join us for tea, coffee and compulsory cake at 4.30pm before this evening’s service. Julie will be talking to Alan Kember during the service.
At the missions’ meeting on Wednesday 16th we shall be praying for all our missionaries, and for the Oasis Centre and the refugee situation.
Fabric Deacon
Following Paul Garcia’s resignation as fabric deacon, nominations are now open for the election of a new deacon which will take place at the 5th October Church Meeting. All necessary paper work is on the table at the back of church. Please hand your form in to Alan Kember or Alan Christie.
Infant Dedication
Next Sunday at the Rudloe congregation, Reuben Matthews, the son of Dave and Laura Matthews will be dedicated. Please feel free to come along to this celebration at 10am.
Chippenham Street Pastors
Chippenham Street Pastors are in desperate need of more volunteers. A new training course will start on the 23rd September with an information evening from 7.30-9.30pm at Sheldon Road Methodist Church Chippenham. If you are interested come along to the information evening or contact the Chippenham Street Pastors’ Co-ordinator or speak to Elspeth at CBC.
DBS checks (Disclosure and Barring service)
As part of our church Safeguarding Policy, it is required that all volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults must have a DBS check. If you volunteer in junior church and are not sure if you have had a current DBS check or are having difficulties with the application procedure, please speak to Bev who is more than willing to help. We have a responsibility to keep the children and adults safe in junior church so please complete your application if you haven’t already done so. Thank you. Rhiannon.
…This Week…
Monday: Mums’ Bible Study, 10am
Wednesday: Missions’ prayer evening, 7.30pm with visitors from the Oasis Centre
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
…Coming up…
20th September: Infant Dedication, Reuben Matthews, at Rudloe; Steph leaves for Bangladesh mission trip
23rd September: Midweek service, 2pm
25th-27th September: Men’s weekend away
26th September: The Ark, 10am
27th September: Nominations close for Fabric deacon
28th September: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm, chilli night
3rd October: Craft Group, 10am
4th October: Harvest service
5th October: Church Meeting, 8pm
7th October: Midweek service, 2pm
10th October: Same Sex Marriage discussion 9am-12.30pm
12th October: AIM Tanzania short term mission trip
18th October: Evening youth service, 6pm @ CBC (Prayer meeting @ Rudloe)