Children’s Dedication
This morning at the 11:15am service we will be holding a dedication service for the four Scarth children. We look forward to welcoming James’ and Laura’s friends and family to this very special occasion.
Church Meeting
The next church meeting will be held tomorrow, Monday 17th July at 8pm at Priory Street. Amongst other items, we will be holding elections for elder roles at CBC. Please make every effort to attend if you are a member. The agenda and minutes from the previous Church Meeting are available at the back.
TLC Summer Party
The organisers of the TLC summer party would like to say a very big thank you to everyone involved in making it such a special afternoon for our seniors.
Midweek Service
The text for Wednesday’s service at 2pm on 19th July is 1 Sam. 18-20. Eric Seager will be leading and David Morrell preaching. Please stay for light refreshments after the service.
Message from Steve and Ruth Lancaster
“Greetings from Tanzania to the folks at CBC & Rudloe! On behalf of the AIM team here in Morogoro we want to say a huge THANKS to you for your continued support of the work here at Sanga Sanga. THANKS for sending out a team of willing and enthusiastic builders! All went well and the team did an awesome job in helping to raise up a new shower block, which Martin & Jo will have the pleasure of seeing through to completion! THANKS for the money that you raised for enabling this year’s project to happen, and THANKS also to those who sent cards & letters. Once again, we feel blessed to have such a supporting church behind us! The work that the team did last year is still very much appreciated, and the three accommodation banda’s that they helped to build are now being used on a regular basis. Last month we were able to host three kids’ camps using the banda’s, and our vision of seeing Sanga as a place where God’s Word is taught is happening more and more. During this past week, we’ve also held a pastors’ conference with over 30 pastors on site, where the teaching has been based on what it means to be a leader with integrity. Things are certainly happening here at Sanga! We thank you for the valuable part you are playing in enabling this to happen. Asante Sana.”
Tea/Coffee @ 11:15am service
There is an opportunity to serve at the 11:15am Sunday service! If you would like to help with the teas/coffees please contact Claire King.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; Church Meeting, 8pm
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10am (final one)
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; men’s breakfast at the Greenhouse, 9am
….At a quick glance…
24th July: WEC training commences at CBC
26th July: WEC open evening at Priory Street
30th July: WEC evening, 6pm
2nd August: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd August: WEC training concludes
11-18th August: Uganda Mission trip
22-24th Sept: Men’s camping weekend, Grittleton
Please note:
With effect from today, Sunday 16th July, Church on the Green are meeting at the community centre at 10am at
2 Portal Ave, Corsham SN13 0LQ (Crumpets Coffee Shop) at 10am.