Men’s Traditional Christmas Chilli Night!
The men of CBC will meet for their Christmas meal (chilli !) on Tuesday 24th November at 7.00pm at Priory Street. Please let Ian Holmes know if you would like to attend.
Steve Bryant’s Thailand trip
Thank you to those who prayed for Steve during his recent trip to Thailand and participation in WEC’s regional conference for Asia. On Sunday evening 29th he will be sharing about his time there, including information about how God is at work in different Asian countries, and an update on Grace International School, where the Spruijts served for one year.
Calling all musicians!!
Since we multiplied the morning services back in September, we obviously have less folks available to help lead worship in each service. So if you are part of the 11.15am congregation, if you love to worship God and if you have some musical ability, David Morrell would love to hear from you! In particular, we’re a bit short of guitarists, bass players and drummers; and we’re looking for younger people to join the team! You may have noticed that some of our younger musicians and worship leaders are now in the 9.15 service, so we’re keen to reduce the average age of our 11.15 team so we get a balance of old and new worship leaders and worship songs!!
The other plea relates to the evening carol service on December 20th. We’re aiming to put together an ensemble of acoustic musicians to accompany the Christmas carols (most of them are horrible to play on guitar!). So if you play fiddle, cello, flute, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone or almost anything else …. please let us know, and we’ll start making plans.
If you want to respond to either of these invitations, please get back to David Morrell, either in person or by email. Alternatively you can contact Nancy. Many thanks.
Hawks, Falcons, Kestrels and Owls junior church teachers at 11.15 service
There will be a meeting for the teachers of these groups on Sunday 29th November at 4.30 in the main hall at church. If you are unable to attend please let Rhiannon know. Thank you.
Tree decorating invitation
We are decorating the church Christmas tree on Saturday Dec 5th, 3-5pm. Come along for some Christmas activities, carols, stories and snacks. Invitations are at the back of church so take some for friends and neighbours, all ages welcome. If you are able to help out at this event please let Rhiannon know. In the past, this has been a great opportunity to invite non church children to hear what Christmas is really about. If your children are planning on coming please could you let Rhiannon know so that we have an idea of numbers to cater for. Thank you.
Rudloe Carol Service
The Rudloe congregation is having their carol service on the 19th December. Does anyone have any outdoor lanterns/lights that can be borrowed for this event? Please contact Louise in the office or Rob.
Free Christmas Stickers from the Bible Society
This year the Bible Society’s free Christmas stickers have been designed by Emma Skerratt who used to attend Corsham Baptist Church. The stickers show the names of Jesus and are designed to be used to spread the real meaning of Christmas eg. on your Christmas card envelopes. You can find details about them at If you don’t have access to the internet or prefer talking to a person, please ask Heather or Steve Chilcott!
The Ark
Another Ark event will take place this coming Saturday, 28th November, at 10am. Please contact Alexa Simm or Heather Chilcott if you would like to know more about this event for families with young children.
The next Connected get-together will be on Saturday 19th December from 8-10pm at Priory Street. Please speak to Beth Mills for more information.
Corsham Churches Foodbank
If you would like to donate to support the Foodbank Christmas Hamper project, the following items would be particularly welcome:
- Boxes of Chocolate Fingers;
- Selection Boxes to bless children;
- Boxes of Mince Pies;
- Treats (jam, honey and savoury spreads)
Please ensure that the festive treats have a post-Christmas best-before date, and are left in or alongside the collection bin in the porch, ideally before 30 November.
The Foodbank Nectar card scheme continues to work well and in previous years has funded many of the other seasonal treats that are included in our Christmas hampers. We have plenty of these cards available if anyone else would like to join the scheme.
In addition, we are actively looking for new volunteers to serve, particularly to help with making issues to our clients on a Saturday morning, and also for one or perhaps two individuals to take on the co-ordination of the Hamper Projects at Christmas, Easter and just prior to the summer holiday period.
If you would like to know more about the work of the Foodbank or are thinking about volunteering or would like to consider joining the Foodbank Nectar card scheme, please speak to Roger or Hazel Hammett (01249 715816).
Walking on Sundays
Natalie Ovens is organising a very informal ad hoc Sunday afternoon walking group for walks in and around Corsham, the idea being to meet after lunch, at around 3pm. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Natalie who will draw up a list of potential walkers!
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9.30am in the Hut;
Tuesday: Men’s chilli night, 7.00pm
Wednesday: Morning prayer meeting 7.15am
Thursday: Toddler Group 10.00am; Debt Advice Centre 7pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Morning prayer, 8.30am; the Ark, 10.00am
…Coming up…
29th November: Meeting for 11.15am Junior Church teachers, 4.30pm
30th November: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
2nd December: Midweek service, 2pm
5th December: Craft Group, 10am; decorating Christmas tree 3pm
8th December: TLC, 12 o’clock
13th December: 2 x Nativity services, 9.15am and 11.15am
14th December: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm
16th December: Midweek service, 2pm
20th December: Carols by candlelight, 6pm
22nd December: Corsham town carol service in the High Street, 6.45pm
24th December: Christmas eve service, 6pm
25th December: Christmas day, 10am family service
**27th December: One service at Priory Street at 10am and no evening service on that day!**