Welcome to our service today
24th September 2017
9.15am Eddie Larkman
11.15am Eddie Larkman
6:00pm Rob Durant
Attention Women! – LIVING OUT GOD’S GRACE
Our first study is tomorrow night, Monday 25th September at 7:30pm in the church hall. The hand-outs for this study are on the table at the back. If you need a study buddy, please see Anne Holmes.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service is on this Wednesday, 27th September, at 2pm. The reading is from 2 Samuel 1: 17-27 & 2: 1-4. Eric Seager will be leading and preaching. Please join us for the service and for refreshments afterwards.
Summer Mission Celebration
The summer period has been an exciting time for CBC/ COTG as many people have taken part in mission events either personally or through supporting those who have participated. On Sunday 1st October we will be having a Summer Mission Celebration event where we can hear from those who served on mission events which will then be followed by praying for God’s ongoing work in these mission areas. The timings still need to be confirmed but it will be approximately 4pm for finger food and hearing from those who went, followed by the evening prayer service. We hope as many of you as possible can come and please bring some finger food to share. If you are able to help serve drinks, set up the tables and clear up, please let Wendy Rowe know. We look forward to seeing you.
Ladies’ Retreat
This is taking place from 20-22 April 2018 at Lox Lane, Shaftesbury. There are booking forms on the table at the back which contain all details. Please hand your completed form and deposit to Anne Holmes.
The Ark
The Ark begins again this Saturday 30th September 10.00am at Priory Street. It is aimed at 0-7 year olds but all are welcome for bible stories, songs, craft, puppets and cake. We are very grateful to Alexa Simm for all she has done for the last two years, but she is stepping down from leading the Ark at present. We hope to see you all on Saturday.
Night of Prayer for Children and Youth
Note the Date – 6th October, 7.30pm to midnight! (yes you read correctly!) We will be setting up prayer stations in the church designed to help you pray for the burgeoning youth and children’s work at CBC. We are simply asking you to sign up for one 30 minute slot (sign up sheet at the back). If you have not witnessed Dan’s prayer stations before – you have missed out! They have been developed to help even the most novice of pray’ers to engage with God in prayer through visual props. So why come? You get to spend time with God, you get to bring before Him some crucial ministries in the life of the church, and compared to last time’s all-nighter the latest slot finishes at midnight – it’s a WIN win situation! So sign up now!
On Sunday 8th October, the offering from the harvest festival services across all of our congregations will support the work of the Corsham Churches Foodbank and Tearfund. Non-perishable food items (please see enclosed list) will be taken to the Foodbank. Our monetary offering will be sent to Tearfund to support the work of Living Waters Church in Malawi where their EAGLES project is empowering rural subsistence farming communities to grow crops in a more sustainable way as they seek to combat the adverse impact of climate change. Please do pray about how you can contribute towards this offering.
If you are able to gift aid your donation, special yellow envelopes for your monetary offering are available on the table at the back of the building. Please do mark them “HARVEST – TEARFUND”. When the offering is taken on the day, only the contents of the yellow envelopes, and loose cash/cheques will be included in the Harvest offering total. Blue envelopes will be treated as regular giving to the general work of the church. Please speak to Lynne Little (Rudloe), Michael Prior (Priory Street 9.15) or Roger Hammett (Priory Street 11.15) should you wish to clarify these arrangements.
New Youth Initiatives
We now run a youth cafe called ‘Cornerstone’ once a month at the Corsham Community Campus. Autumn dates: 1st Oct, 5th Nov, 3rd Dec. Please pray for this youth outreach event and if you know of any young people who might benefit from coming (and would like a flier to give them) or you would like to know more about it, please see Dan.
- Dan now goes into Lackham College for a drop-in session with students fortnightly. Autumn Dates: 4th Oct, 18th Oct, 1st Nov, 15th Nov, 29th Nov, 13th Dec.
Please pray for Dan and Adam (Anglican vicar) as they draw alongside Lackham students, on this campus historically starved of any Christian witness.
- Dan & the youth team have made some youth resources designed to help young people develop spiritual HABITS (disciplines), so that faith can thrive and grow. These are built around Hospitality, Accountability with others, Bible memorisation, Involvement in wider church, Time with God, and Stewardship of money. Please pray for the young people that as they take and use these resources, they would be a fruitful means of helping young people grow in God. If YOU feel that you would benefit from such resources, we could tailor them for adult use – please speak to Dan.
INSPIRE – WEBA training for people working children, youth and families
There is an opportunity to join with others from our region at Cirencester BC for a day of inspiration and encouragement on Saturday 14th October 10am – 4pm. To see what is on the agenda and to sign up please visit http://www.webassoc.org.uk/event/inspire/. Speak to Rhiannon if you want more information.
Grindrods in Austria
Please continue to pray for Lesley and Neal. You can following them by reading their blog http://grindrods.simplesite.com/
Reformation Remix Show – Sunday, October 8th at 6:30pm (doors open 6pm)
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation starting with Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. We owe a great deal to this period of church history, and to mark the occasion the Bible Society have created a show to tell the historical story in a very engaging and entertaining way. Corsham Baptist Church is hosting a live performance of the show on October 8th at 6:30pm and regardless of whether or not you’re are a keen historian or not this show is not to be missed! It is a free event, so please invite your friends to join you!
Light Party
Our annual light party will be held on Tuesday 31st October 5pm – 7pm. Last year we had over 40 children attend – a wonderful outreach event. Much help is needed for this event so please sign up at the back or speak to Rhiannon to find out about how you can help.
New Life Group
A new life group has started at Jude and Richard Davies’ home on Tuesday mornings at 10:45am. They will be following Eddie’s sermon notes. They live in Box; please refer to the directory for their address.
Eric Seager recently had the privilege of bringing Mervyn Salter to the Lord, a week before he passed away. His funeral and that of his wife Patricia, who passed away only days later, will take place at Priory Street at 2.00pm on Monday 25th September.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am; the Ark, 10am
….Coming up…
1st October: Mission feedback afternoon (time to be confirmed)
6th October: Night of prayer for children and youth, 7:30pm-midnight
8th October: Harvest services; Reformation Remix, doors open 6pm
11th October: Midweek service, 2pm
16th October: Church Meeting, 8pm