Operations’ Manager
We are happy to announce the appointment of Tim Stephenson to the role of CBC Operations’ Manager. Tim will take up his post on 1st March, 2018.
Women’s Bible Study
The next women’s bible study will take place tomorrow, Monday 26th February at 7:30pm. The study notes are on the table at the back. Please take one in preparation of the meeting. If you have any questions about these meetings, chat to Anne or Kathy.
Women’s World Day of Prayer – FRIDAY!!
The Women’s World Day of Prayer is being held at CBC next Friday 2nd March at 7.00pm. Please speak to Anne Holmes if you are able to help. Women from all our congregations are encouraged to attend this event.
Men’s Curry Night with Renton Baker – Tuesday 13th March
Cost £7:50; time: 7:30 for 8pm; please contact Paul Kelly, Ian Holmes, Tim Mills or Tim Harding if you would like to attend.
Women’s Retreat 20th-22nd April, Lox Lane, Shaftesbury
There are still a few places left! Please speak to Anne Holmes if you would like to go.
Toddler Group – Leader and Helpers
We need more workers and a lead person for our Thursday morning Toddler Group. Please step up to embrace this wonderful evangelistic opportunity in which to serve Christ. Talk to Kathy Larkman if you would like to know more about this role.
Evening Teas
If you are willing/able to help occasionally with evening teas for the next few months, please contact Louise in the office.
The Gathering Weekend
This exciting weekend is taking place on 7th and 8th July 2018. Meetings on the Saturday will be at Priory Street and on the Sunday at the Springfield Campus. Tickets at £5 per person are available through your congregational leader. Jenny Gaisford at 9:15am; John Godwin at the 11:15am service; Norman Fuggle at the midweek service & Adrian Pillinger at Church on the Green.
Lancaster Newsletter
Copies of Ruth and Steve’s latest newsletter is on the table at the back. Alternatively you can go online https://lancsintanz.aimsites.org/flexing-the-sinews-and-ligaments/
Ministry Report Annual Booklet
If you are a ministry leader, please would you prepare your report for inclusion in the ministry booklet which is produced for the Annual Church Meeting. Please include information on activity for the past year and prayer requests. Please send the report, electronically, by 30th March to the church office. Contact Louise in the office if you are unsure of anything. Thank you very much.
…This week…
Monday: mums’ bible study, 10am; women’s bible study, 7:30pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7:30pm
Friday: CMDAC 9:30am; Women’s World Day of Prayer, 7:00pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; Craft Club, 10:00am
…Coming up…
7th March: Midweek service, 2pm
13th March: Men’s curry night with Renton Baker, 7:30pm
13th-28th March: Eddie and Kathy – trip to USA
19th March: Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church, 7:45pm
21st March: Midweek service, 2pm
25th March: Nominations for Elder open
26th March: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm
30th March: Good Friday service 9:30am @ Priory Street followed by Walk of Witness in town at 10:30am
31st March: The Ark, 10:00am (Easter Saturday)
4th April: Midweek service, 2pm
Please note there is no Craft Club meeting in April.
8th April: Nominations for Elder close, 6pm
9th-13th April: Holiday Bible Club @ Priory Street
16th April: Annual Church Meeting, 8pm
18th April: Midweek service, 2pm (Baptism)
20th-22nd April: women’s retreat, Lox Lane
23rd April: Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church, 7:45pm
28th April: The Ark, 10:00am
30th April: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm
2nd May: Midweek service, 2pm
5th May: Craft Club
6th May: “The Gathering” on Sunday evenings starts