Notice sheet for 30th October 2016

Corsham Twinning Association

The Corsham Twinning Association are currently hosting visitors from Jargeau in France. We welcome them to our 11:15am service today as part of their programme.

Light Party – Tomorrow night! 5pm-7pm

Would you like to bless the families in our community by helping at this event? There are many areas in which you can serve: Worship, baking, registration/ signing in and out, group leaders/ helpers, serving refreshments and running the kitchen.  We need a few bakers to bake some cakes and biscuits (or savory snacks) to serve at the party.  We also need strong people to help move chairs after the evening service on Sunday 30th and then to put them back after the event at around 7.30pm on Monday 31st. Please let Rhiannon know if you can do this or if you need more information about the areas in which to serve.  Let’s shine God’s Light into our community on this dark night together!! The party is for primary school children.

Craft Club

The next CBC Craft Club is taking place on Saturday, starting at 10:00am. Please contact Kathy Ewins or Pam Mitchell for more information on these meetings.

Spruijt’s Mission Fundraiser

Come along at 10-12am or 1-3pm on 5th November for a cake sale/afternoon tea at Hannah and Reinier’s house (address in church directory). They are raising much needed funds for their missionary friend, Kosharah, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She runs a school in her home for missionary children and also has three adopted Thai daughters. Pop in if you can!

Midweek Service

Our next MWS is taking place this Wednesday 2nd November at 2pm. The text is Philippians 4.2-9 and Eric will be leading and preaching.

Upcoming Mission Events

Oasis Feedback : Sunday 6th November

Neal and Lesley plus all those from church who have recently been out to Austria to visit the Oasis centre will be giving feedback on Sunday 6th November starting at  4:30pm. There will be tea, coffee and a variety of cakes! The evening service will then be a time of prayer for the Oasis team, their work , the refugees, the Grindrods and other areas where we need God’s help.

Mission & Persecuted Christians’ Prayer Meeting : 14th November

The next prayer meeting will be held on Monday 14th November at Priory Street at 7:45pm. During this meeting we pray for our missionaries – (it’s a great time to catch up on current news), and using the Open Doors’ material, Vanessa leads us in a time of prayer for Christians who are persecuted. Please see Wendy Rowe for more details.

Persecuted Church Sunday 20th November : ** A window on the Middle East **

On Sunday 20th November we will have a special event focusing on the persecuted church. Tea and cakes will be served at 5pm, and we will be welcoming David and Sue, an experienced couple who have worked for some years in both Ghana and the Middle East, as our speakers. David and Sue are now involved in outreach to migrants in the UK and beyond. They will give a short presentation at around 5.20pm and will share further during the evening service, with David preaching. Please join us for this opportunity to learn more about the Middle East and the situation of Christians there. See Wendy Rowe or Gill Bryant for further details.


We would be grateful for any donations of cakes and biscuits for our two mission events being held on Sunday 6th November and Sunday 20th November, as outlined above. Please can you bring them to church on Sunday morning or at the beginning of the events. Thank you so much!

Request from Jude Davies

Jude Davies needs help with her mother. Would anyone be able to sit with her for a couple of hours a week (Tuesday and Thursday afternoons) to keep her company and read God’s word to her. Please contact Jude if you feel you can help. Thank you.

Bible Society Request

Stewards are needed on Sat 3rd December at the Calne Lantern Parade and Guinness World Records™ title attempt for the World’s Largest Nativity. If you could help out, please contact Bible Society (01792 418222) or for more details. It promises to be lots of fun, so please join the team to make it happen. Thank you.

Steve and Ruth

Please follow the Lancasters, our Tanzanian missionaries, by reading their blog…


Christmas dates for your diary

Christmas tree decorating!!

Invitation to all (young and old!) to come and help decorate our church Christmas tree on Saturday December 10th, 3-5 pm.  Crafts, food and some carol singing!

Nativity Service

This year the Nativity will be held on Saturday December 17th at 5pm at Priory Street.  This will be a Nativity for all CBC congregations to come together and celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth. Please invite your friends!!

Carol Service @ Priory Street

This will take place on Sunday 18th Dec at 6pm.


This week.

Monday: The Light Party, 5pm

Wednesday: Morning prayer, 7:15am; Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10:00am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm.

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; the Craft Club, 10:00am; Spruijts’ fund-raiser 10-12 or 1-3pm

…Looking ahead…

12th Nov: Lifegroup Leaders’ training session

13th Nov: Remembrance Sunday

14th Nov: Missions’ Prayer Meeting, 7:45pm

16th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm

20th Nov: Baptism service, 9:15am

20th Nov: Persecuted church Sunday

26th Nov: The Ark, 10:00am

28th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm

29th Nov: Men’s “Christmas Chilli” night, 7:15pm

30th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm

3rd Dec: Craft Club, 10:00am

4th Dec: Prayer evening, 6pm