Operations Manager
At the Church Meeting approval was given for the Leadership Team to seek to appoint an Operations Manager for the church. As such, please see the following notice.
Applications for post of Operations Manager
Applications are now open for the above role. For the job description, please contact the church office and it will be sent to you electronically. Deadline for submission of applications : 7th February 2018. Applicants will need to submit an expression of interest, by emailing the church office, outlining relevant experience and the attributes that they would bring to the role, on one side of A4. A CV on its own will not be accepted, but may be included as a supporting document. This is a paid position (£15 per hour) and initially for 16 hours per week. All applications will be acknowledged, but only short listed candidates will be interviewed. We hope to appoint someone to be in post from 1st March 2018.
Midweek Service
The text for MWS on 7th February at 2pm is Mark 14:27-50 and 66-72. Eric Seager will be leading and preaching. All welcome!
African Summer 2018
Make your mind up time! You will have seen the information in the last couple of notice sheets about our 2018 trip to Tanzania to help with a construction project during the last two weeks in May. If you missed it please contact Martin Sheringham who will be delighted to tell you more. There has been enough interest so far to make this trip viable but we now need this interest to turn into commitment – today’s the deadline!! We can then book flights and advise the Tanzanian team of numbers so they can plan a suitable package of work. So if you intend to go, please let Martin know a.s.a.p.!
Baptism Services
On Sunday 18th February, we will be having baptisms at both the 9:15am and 11:15am services. We look forward to welcoming the friends and families of George Partridge, Mike Woodberry and Emily Robinson.
Would you like help with daily Bible reading and prayer?
If you use apps on your phone, why not download and use something to help you follow Jesus? Read Scripture is an excellent aid to daily Bible reading, and Unreached of the Day enables you to pray daily for an unreached people group. Alternatively, you can access this material through a computer: https://thebibleproject.com/ and https://joshuaproject.net/pray/unreachedoftheday/today
Highly recommended!
Bible Society also has daily reading apps which are very useful. Visit
Toddler Group
We need more workers and a lead person for our Thursday morning Toddler Group. Please step up to embrace this wonderful evangelistic opportunity in which to serve Christ. Talk to Kathy Larkman if you would like to know more about what this outreach entails.
Our CBC family would like to publicly thank SUE SAPIANO for her servant leadership in running the Toddler group for the last 8+ years. Her faithfulness and commitment have been such a blessing and inspiration! THANK YOU, SUE. We love you!
MK Staff Training 2018
Last summer (2017) CBC hosted the MK Staff Training course for WEC International. The same course will be held at CBC again in 2018, from Sunday evening 22nd July to Thursday morning 2nd August. We are looking for hosts to provide accommodation, and help with catering and taxi driving for our participants. If you would like to help in any way please talk with Steve or Gill Bryant. Thank you!
Prayer for Pewsham
Prayer for Pewsham (Chippenham), second Sunday evening of each month. Please speak to Phil or Helen Osmond for full details.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7.30pm
Friday: CMDAC 9.30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am
…Coming up…
18th February: Baptism @ 11:15am service
21st February: Midweek service, 2pm
24th February: The Ark, 10am
25th February: Infant Dedication, 11:15am service
26th February: Women’s Bible Study, 7:30pm
2nd March: Women’s World Day of Prayer, 7:00pm
3rd March: Craft Group, 10am
7th March: Midweek service, 2pm
11th March: Mothering Sunday
13th March: Eddie and Kathy – trip to USA
21st March: Midweek service, 2pm
26th March: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm