Notice sheet for 6th December 2015

Notice sheet for 6th December 2015

Prayer Evening

This evening the service will be a prayer meeting and we will have an extended time of prayer for the persecuted church followed by a time of prayer for mission and Gospel expansion.

Nativity Services

Our Christmas nativity services will be held next Sunday at both the 9.15am and 11.15am services. Please invite friends and relatives to these special events in the life of the Church. Everyone welcome!

Rudloe Carol Service

The Rudloe congregation is having their carol service on the 19th December at the Rudloe Community Centre at 6.45pm. It would be wonderful if some of our Priory Street worshippers attended this event to swell numbers and make a joyful noise! Also, does anyone have any outdoor lanterns/lights that can be borrowed for this event? Please contact Louise in the office or Rob.

Ladies’ Christmas Event, 14th December

Time 7.30pm; soup and pudding £4; talk by Sharon; we will also be showing a short dvd. Ladies, this is our time of oasis and reflection on the birth of our Saviour before we get caught up in the business of all the preparation we have to do.  Please sign up at the back!!

Nativity services’ rehearsals on the 13th December

We are having two Nativity services this year, one at 9.15am and one at 11.15am.  Children will only be participating in one Nativity and this will be the usual service that you attend as a family on a Sunday morning.  Dress rehearsals will be as follows: for families who regularly attend the 9.15 Sunday service, rehearsal will be Saturday 12th December 9 – 10.15 am.  For families who regularly attend the 11.15 Sunday service, rehearsal will be Saturday December 12th 10.15 – 11.30am. If you have any questions please speak to Rhiannon.


The next Connected get-together will be on Saturday 19th December from 8-10pm at Priory Street. Please speak to Beth Mills for more info.

Card for Lancasters

There is a Christmas card for Steve and Ruth Lancaster for people to sign. It is at the back of the church.

Prayer for missions and the persecuted church

We will meet at CBC at 7.30pm on Wednesday 9th December.  All welcome – contact Steve or Gill Bryant for more details.

Christmas Cards for Persecuted Believers

These are available in the porch. Please send with a verse of encouragement and prayer. See “Connect & Encourage” “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Heb 13:3

Grace Place

Be sure you get on the blog and read Anne and Hannah’s contributions to choices they have made with a Gospel mindset. It will inspire and encourage you!

Bath Women’s Conference, 23rd April, 2016

There will be a Bath Women’s Conference (under The South West Gospel Partnership) on Saturday 23rd April from 10am – 4.15pm at Kingswood School, Bath. Tickets are £15 each. Anne Holmes would like to make a booking for the ladies of CBC by the end of December as tickets will sell fast for this event. Please sign up at the back if you would like to attend! Speak to Anne for more details.

Mobile Phone

Does anyone have an old, simple smart phone that they no longer want?  If so, please speak to Helen Christie as the old prayer chain mobile is not working very well and we would like to replace it.  Many thanks.

Christmas 2015

As we have done in many previous years, please use the boards at the back to pin on your Christmas card to CBC folk. Please also take a few CBC Christmas fliers, as well as the Churches of Corsham leaflet, to give to friends, family, neighbours and invite them to services over this festive period.

Church Directory 2016

Please complete the enclosed information sheet for the church directory. Even if you were listed in the 2015 directory, please complete a new form and indicate on the form the service you normally attend (ie. Rudloe, 9.15am, 11.15am, 6pm, midweek service). Please note, one sheet per family, only provide contact information you are happy to share and please write very clearly so there are no mistakes in the final production! Leave form in the box at the back. Thank you!

Walking on Sundays

Natalie Ovens is organising a very informal ad hoc Sunday afternoon walking group for walks in and around Corsham, the idea being to meet after lunch, at around 3pm. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Natalie who will draw up a list of potential walkers!

Giving to CBC: blue envelope scheme

Blue Offering envelopes for 2016 are now available from our treasurer, Michael Prior. If you like to give weekly to CBC by cash or cheque, one way of doing so is by putting a blue envelope into the offering bag, with your offering in it . These envelopes are dated weekly and have a reference number on them. The reference number is particularly useful if you are a Gift-Aid giver, as the number enables the treasurer to identify you when claiming the gift-aid.

Meals on Wheels

Please be advised that Lesley Didsbury will now be co-ordinating meals for new families and those recently discharged from hospital.

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ study, 9.30am in the Hut

Tuesday: TLC, 12 o’clock

Wednesday: Morning prayer meeting 7.15am; prayer for missions and the persecuted church, 7.30pm

Thursday: Toddler Group 10.00am; Debt Advice Centre 7pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Morning prayer, 8.30am; dress rehearsals for nativities @ Priory Street 9-11.30am

…Coming up…

13th December: 2 x Nativity services, 9.15am and 11.15am

14th December: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm

16th December: Midweek service, 2pm

19th December: Connected, 8-10pm

20th December: Carols by candlelight, 6pm

22nd December: Corsham town carol service in the High Street, 6.45pm

24th December: Christmas eve service, 6pm

25th December: Christmas day, 10am family service

27th December: One service at Priory Street at 10am and no evening service