Prayer Meeting
There will be a prayer meeting this evening at 6pm. All welcome to attend!
Tanzania in June – deadline TODAY!!
You will have seen/heard the information over the last couple of weeks about a proposed trip to Tanzania to help with a construction project during the last two weeks in June. If you missed it, please contact Stuart Little or Martin Sheringham who will be delighted to tell you more. There has been enough interest so far to make this trip viable but we now need this interest to turn into commitment. We would like to book flights soon and advise the Tanzanian team of numbers so they can plan a suitable package of work. So if you intend to go, let Stuart know. Today is officially the deadline!!
Steve Bryant
Steve is currently on another WEC mission trip and will be going to several Asian and Middle Eastern countries, returning to the UK on the 13th February. Please pray for Steve and the work he will be involved in.
Israel Trip
Steve Lancaster will be leading a ten-day Oak Hall trip to Israel in June 2016. If you are interested in finding out more about the trip, please go to and click on the “Israel & Palestine” link for more details (Trip code IS16), and speak to some of those from CBC who went in 2013!
Ladies’ Bible Study
The notes for the next ladies’ bible study are on the table at the back of church (pink sheets). Please take one in advance of the next meeting which is on Monday 22nd February, 7.30pm. Please speak to Anne Holmes or Kathy Larkman for more information on these studies.
The Lunch Club
The next TLC for our seniors will be this Tuesday 9th February at 12pm. If you would like to know more about these functions, please have a chat to Michael or Wendy Prior.
Missions’ Prayer Meeting
Our monthly prayer meeting for missions, persecuted church and our own missionaries will take place on Wednesday, 10th February at 7.45pm. Please talk to Wendy Rowe for more details.
Church Directory 2016
The 2016 church directory has been produced. Please take a copy for your household. Feel free to take an extra copy if necessary.
Life Groups
There are now approximately 15 life groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham! Speak to Vicky Stephenson if you would like to join a group.
This week at CBC…
Monday: Mum’s bible study, 10am
Tuesday: The Lunch Club, 12 o’clock
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; Prayer for missions and the persecuted church, 7.30pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for Corsham /Gospel expansion, 8.30am in the prayer room
Looking ahead…
17th February: Midweek Service, 2pm
22nd February: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
27th February: The Ark, 10am
2nd March: Midweek service, 2pm
5th March: Craft Club, 10am
6th March: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm
8th March: TLC, 12pm
12th March: Life Group Leaders’ morning meeting, Priory Street
16th March: Midweek service, 2pm
19th March: Same-sex marriage discussion 9.00am-12.30pm