Notices 10th February 2019

Notices 10th February 2019

Bible Society Event at Priory Street, 2nd March, 7pm

As well as up to date information on Bible Society, there will be the exciting launch of the new book – ‘JONAH AND THE BONY-FINNED ASTEROID FISH’. Publication date – 26th February.  Join us for a fun evening with readings, quiz, book-signing and supper.  Watch this space for more information or talk to Tim Stephenson (9:15am), Jo Sheringham (11:15am) or Rob Durant (COTG).

The Ark

If you’re not still away for half term do join us for the next Ark on Saturday 23rd February and why not bring a friend? It’s about treasure!  It’s aimed at 0-7 year olds but all are welcome with an adult. The puppets will be here, and exciting crafts, as well as the normal children’s service followed by drinks and cake. 

Mission Trips’ Thank Offering – 3rd March 2019

As we seek to play our part in spreading God’s love around the world, on Sunday 3rd March, we will be holding a thank offering to build up a fund to support self-funding adults who volunteer to serve on our future Mission Teams. This year, teams will be going out to support an AIM conference in Uganda and to help with construction work at the AIM Sanga Sanga conference centre in Tanzania.  The money raised will be lodged in our Restricted Mission Trips Fund. Please do pray about how you can contribute towards this offering.  Special yellow envelopes for your Gift Day offering will be available on the table at the back of the building. Please mark the envelope MISSION TRIPS THANK OFFERING, and if you are able to gift aid your donation, please complete the declaration on the envelope.  If you are not able to do this, please just score out the declaration. When the offering is taken on the day, only the contents of the yellow envelopes will be included in the Thank Offering total.  Blue envelopes and loose cash/cheques will be treated as regular giving to the general work of the church.  Please speak to Paul Garcia (Church on the Green), Michael Prior (Priory Street 9.15) or Roger Hammett (Priory Street 11.15) should you wish to clarify these arrangements.

Plea for 11:15 Junior Church leaders and helpers

We are still looking for more people to join the Junior Church Team at  the 11:15 Priory Street service.  Speak to any member of the Junior Church Team or contact Catherine Donovan on 07726131059 (email

Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s bible study will take place on Monday 25th February at 7:30pm.  Notes for the next study – Titus – are on the table at the back.  Please take a copy!

Family service (The Ark)

A family service will take place at Priory Street on 17th March at 3.30pm.  The service will be fairly short and will finish with tea. Please put the date in your diary and start inviting family and friends along. We’ll also be advertising it at the Ark, Toddler group etc.  Many thanks.

Accommodation for summer course 2019

For the last two years, CBC has hosted the WEC MK Staff Training course in July/August.. The course is scheduled to take place again, from Sunday 21st July to Thursday 1st August 2019. Some participants will only stay till Saturday 27th July. If you are able to provide accommodation (including breakfast and most evening meals) for someone for all or part of this time, please contact Steve and Gill Bryant. Thank you so much for your help.

Our Missionaries

There are paper copies of Neal and Lesley Grindrod’s latest blog on the table at the back. Alternatively you can read about their work via our website.

You can also catch up on what the Lancasters and Littles are doing abroad through the CBC website.

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; fight night 8pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am

Life groups meet in and around Corsham and neighbouring towns and villages during the week.  If you would like more information on any small groups, please speak to your congregational leaders.

… Looking ahead…

18th February: Missions and persecuted church prayer meeting, 7:45pm

20th February: Midweek service, 2pm

23rd February: The Ark, 10am

25th February: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm

1st March: Women’s World Day of Prayer (Slovenia)

2nd March: Craft Club, 10am; Bible Society Event, 7:00pm

3rd March: Gift day

6th March: Midweek service, 2pm

11th March: Fight night