Notices 11th November 2018

Notices 11th November 2018

11:15 Junior Church Leaders and Helpers

There will be a meeting today for all the Junior Church leaders and helpers immediately after the 11:15am service at Priory Street. If you help with Junior Church in any way, we would gladly welcome your attendance at this meeting to discuss and pray over our Junior Church ministry. If you have any questions please speak to Catherine Donovan or Rhiannon Price.

Men’s Fight Night

This is taking place tomorrow night, Monday 12th November, at 8pm.  Please chat to Ian Holmes or one of the men’s ministry team for further details.

*** Farmyard Nativity! ***

Nativity service – Born in a Barn (literally!).  This year’s nativity service will be held on Saturday 15th December and it will be a LIVE nativity at John and Nathalie Prior’s farm in Castle Combe!!  There will be showings at 2.30pm, 3.30pm and 4.30pm and free tickets can be obtained from (flyers available soon).  There will be a meeting for anyone who is interested in being part of this nativity in any way (either on the day or ahead of the nativity) on Tuesday 20th November at 7.30pm at church. Help will be needed to get the farm ready, marshal the event, act, serve refreshments, set up for the nativity, get the farm back to normal afterwards and many other things so come along to the meeting to find out how you can be involved.

Christmas Ark

Doesn’t time fly! We will be celebrating Christmas early on Saturday 24th November – the last Ark of 2018 – starting at 10.00am with craft and a treasure hunt, followed by a children’s service including the wonderful puppets.  This ends at 11.00am with party food, cake, and party bags on leaving.  Do come along and join us for the fun where we will be searching for the ‘New Noisy Neighbour’.  Aimed at 0-7 year olds but all welcome, with an adult.

Women’s Bible Study

Study sheets are now available at the back for the next women’s bible study which is taking place on Monday 26th November at 7:30pm.

…This week…

Monday: Men’s fight night, 8pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm

… Looking ahead over the next days, weeks and months…

19th November: Missions and Persecuted Church prayer, 7:45pm

20th November: Meeting for farmyard nativity, 7:30pm @ church

21st November: Midweek service, 2pm

24th November: The Ark, 10am

25th November: Oscar Saunders’ dedication, 11:15am

26th November: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm

27th November: Men’s bible study, 7:30pm

1st December: Craft Club, 10:00am

5th December: Midweek service, 2pm

10th December: Men’s fight night, 8:00pm

10th December: Women’s Christmas event, 7:00pm

15th December: Nativity @ Castle Combe farm

16th December: Carol Service, 6pm Priory Street

18th December: Corsham Town Carol Service, 6:45pm

19th December: Midweek service, 2pm

23rd December: DIY Nativity at Rudloe, 10am

24th December: Christmas eve service, 6pm/ Carol singing in Rudloe, 6pm

25th December: Christmas day joint service, 10am @ Priory Street/ 10am at Rudloe

30th December: No evening service