Notices 12th January 2020

Notices 12th January 2020


At the start of this new year, you are all encouraged to come along to tonight’s prayer meeting 6-7pm.  Gathered to pray… for the YOUNG PEOPLE…Imagine how encouraging it would be if we gathered together as parents, young people and church members and collectively asked God to move powerfully among the young people of our church and in the community. Think what God might do and how He might respond if different generations came together to pray and seek His face.

So come along and let’s expect God to move in power in our children and their friends in 2020! See you there!

Open Doors

Prayer leaflets and the latest Open Doors’ magazine are at the back of church.  The next prayer meeting for the persecuted church and missions is taking place on Monday 20th January at 7:45pm at the home of Vanessa Naish.  The country to pray for specifically this month is North Korea.

The Ark

The first Ark of 2020 is on Saturday 25th January. We’re looking forward to meeting again after our Christmas break. Do come along, with an adult, if you’re aged about 0-7Ish (but any age is welcome) for Bible stories, craft, songs, puppets and refreshments. 10.00am at Priory Street. Happy New Year!

Fight Night

This will take place tomorrow night when the men of the church meet for prayer at 8pm.  Please speak to Ian Holmes or a member of the men’s team if you would like more information.

Women’s Bible Study

The first women’s bible study of the new year will take place on Monday 27th January at 7:30pm.  Study notes are on the table at the back of the church.  Please speak to Anne Holmes if you would like a “study buddy” or would like more information about women’s ministry at CBC.

Talking Jesus

Do you want to learn how to talk to your friends, family, colleagues or strangers in a non-threatening way about Jesus?

The launch of a new XEE course is planned for the morning of Saturday 15th February,2020. Please put this date in your diary.

More information will be coming in the next few weeks. Meanwhile if interested please contact Norman Fuggle for more information.

Souper Fridays

On Friday 17th January we are launching an exciting new ministry at CBC. Every Friday from 1pm to 2.30pm a simple lunch of soup, bread and a drink will be served in the hall on a drop-in basis. This is being set up as an outreach to the community but is available to ALL. Please invite your friends and neighbours whether they attend one of our services, or groups, already or not! We look forward to welcoming you. Flyers are available at the back of the church.

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; fight night prayer, 8pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am

Friday: Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm