Notices 23rd February 2020

Notices 23rd February 2020

Infant Dedication

At our 11:15am service today we would like to welcome the friends and family of Jonny and Amy Street as their infant son, Heath, is dedicated to the Lord.

Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s monthly bible study will be tomorrow, Monday 24th February at 7:30pm.  Study notes are available on the table at the back. If you would like more information about these meetings, or you would like to have a “study buddy”, please speak to Anne Holmes or one of the women who are part of the women’s ministry team – Vicky Kelly, Vicky Stephenson, Sharon Durant, Christine Coltman.

Holiday Club

Rhiannon Price would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped make the Holiday Club such a success.  Our theme this year was Love and we were thrilled to share the love of Jesus with not only our “church children”, but children in the wider community!

Easter on the Farm

Following the huge success of “Born in a Barn”, our nativity on the farm Christmas 2018, we are very excited to announce that we will be having “Easter on the Farm” at the Prior’s farm in Castle Combe on Easter Saturday, 11th April.  More details to follow but put this date in your diaries, start mentioning it to friends and family and speak to Rhiannon about how you can be involved. We will need lots of willing volunteers to run this event so come and chat with Rhiannon.

Pledges to Support the Arnolds Mead Building Works

As was affirmed at the Church Meeting on 10th February 2020, we will be going ahead with the works at 16 Arnolds Mead with the aim of improving the facilities for our Youth Ministry. We are now close to appointing a builder, and we hope that work will start in May.  The Treasurer will shortly be writing to all those who have pledged financial support for this project, to set out the arrangements by which to redeem pledges. And of course, it is not too late to make a donation if you have not already made a pledge; please contact Roger Hammett ( if you would like to do this.

The Ark

For children up to the age of 7…another Ark is taking place this Saturday from 10am…puppets, songs and lots of fun learning about Jesus…   

Opportunities for Giving

As you may have heard at the recent Church Meeting or from the pulpit, CBC has grown in the number of people attending each week and also in the work that we support. However the giving has remained flat for several years. Consequently we will face some challenging decisions on what to prioritise in the year starting from September if circumstances remain the same. So if you consider this your home church please consider prayerfully what you should give.  If you would like to give to the work of the church on a regular basis, you may wish to consider setting up a monthly standing order through your bank. Alternatively, some people find it helpful to use our envelope giving schemes to make their offering. And of course, if you are a UK tax payer, then the value of your gift can be increased by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself, if you complete a Gift Aid Declaration. Do please speak to one of the Treasury Team: Paul Garcia (Church on the Green, Rudloe) Roger Hammett (Priory Street 11.15 Service); or Michael Prior (Priory Street 9.15 Service) if you would like to find out more.

Men’s Breakfast

We will be having a CBC Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 7th March, 9am start, provisionally at the Greenhouse Restaurant, The Pavilion, Wadswick Green, Corsham, SN13 9RD.  John Prior will be sharing with us on God’s Provision. Look forward to seeing you there. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church or speak to one of the men on the men’s ministry team.

New-comers’ Lunch

This will take place after the 11:15am service on the 29th March in the coffee hall.  There is a sign up sheet at the back of the church…please come along if you are new to CBC!

Accommodation needed for WEC Summer Course

From 26th July to 6th August 2020, CBC will be hosting the MK Staff Training course for new mission workers going overseas. We need more accommodation for the participants – this involves providing bed and breakfast and evening meals for them.  Some will only be here until 1st August. A contribution is provided for their stay. If you can help even for a few days, please get in touch with Steve and Gill Bryant.

1-8 March: Week of Prayer: Praying for Church on the Green

Corsham Baptist Church’s Rudloe church plant “Church on the Green” is five years old, and doing well, but somewhat pot-bound – requiring more space if it is to continue to grow.  The leadership team as a whole believes seeking accommodation for Church on the Green is a current priority of CBC.

Over the week beginning Sunday 1st March and finishing with the evening prayer service on the 8th March, we will have various opportunities to pray that God would show us the next steps to see the congregation continue to grow in size and depth, and reach out even more effectively into the community.

In addition to personal prayer, we will be organising a variety of opportunities to pray together

  • Open building at Priory Street with prayer stations:

Monday 2nd March:    9am-3pm; 7pm-9pm

Tuesday 3rd March:    1pm-3pm       

Wednesday 4th March:    2pm-3pm

Thursday 5th March:   7pm-9pm

Friday 6th March:       9am-3pm

Saturday 7th March:  8:30am-9:30am; Prayer @ Durants 7:30pm-8:30pm

Sunday 8th March:    Evening prayer service

  • Prayer for gospel expansion (Saturday, 8.30-9.30am, Priory Street)
  • Prayer walks around Rudloe. (Wednesday 10-11am, Saturday 10-11am, 2-3pm, all starting from Crumpets Cafe at the top of Portal Avenue)
  • LIFE groups – as you meet, why not spend your prayer time praying for our mission in Rudloe.  Notes will be supplied to guide your prayer.
  • Who might you pray with?  Just get together to pray with one or more for our work in Rudloe. (Wouldn’t it be great if every person in the church were praying?!) 
  • Day of fasting: (Tuesday 3rd March)

There will be a box at the back of church into which you can put your feedback.

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; women’s bible study, 7:30pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Souper Friday, 1pm; after-school children’s bible groups

Saturday: The Ark, 10am

Coming up…

1st March – Infant dedication, 11:15am

7th March – Men’s breakfast, Greenhouse, Wadswick Green, 9am

1st-8th March – prayer for Church on the Green

4th March – Midweek service, 2pm

7th March – Craft group, 10am

9th March – Fight night, 8pm

15th March – Ark Family Service, 3pm

29th March – Newcomers’ lunch