Notices 7th April 2019

Notices 7th April 2019

Safeguarding Deacon

Nominations for Safeguarding Deacon close tonight at 6pm. Speak to Tim Stephenson or any leader if you would like more information.  The paperwork is on the table at the back of church.  Hand your completed form to your congregational leader.  The election will take place at the Church Meeting on 15th April.

Fight Night

The men of our church meet tomorrow night at 8pm for their monthly “fight night” of prayer.  Please speak to Ian Holmes or a member of the men’s ministry team if you would like more info.

** Annual Holiday Bible Club 2019 **

  • Monday April 8th to Friday April 12th
  • 10am-12:30 each day; 5-11 year olds

Holiday club starts tomorrow! Come and join us for lots of fun – it’s not too late to sign up to help, please see Rhiannon.  We need to move chairs and set up gazebos today after the 11.15 service, so please stay and help if you are able to. For all helpers who have signed up already, breakfast will be served each day at 9am (bacon butties tomorrow!), team briefing and prayer at 9.30.  Please continue to pray for the club, the children, their parents and the helpers, pray for seeds to be sown and for us to be able to reach out to the community to share the good news of God’s love and what Easter is really about. Please speak to Rhiannon if you are unsure as to how you can help.

Good Friday

There will be a service at Priory Street at 9:30am on Good Friday, 19th April.  This will be followed by the annual Walk of Witness through Corsham Town at 10:30am. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend these events.

Celebrating Easter @ Church on the Green

Good Friday afternoon “Easter trail”: This Easter, we are joining with Heart 4 Rudloe to run an Easter outreach event at Crumpets Cafe on Good Friday in the afternoon, time to be confirmed, using Bible Society Easter trail material. 

Delivering flyersIf you are willing and able to deliver some flyers in the week following Sunday 31st March, that would be very helpful!.

Easter Sunday service, 10am: There will be a service at the normal time to celebrate the resurrection. If you are having people for a meal on that day, why not invite them to come to church with you first!?

Annual Church Meeting

Our Annual Church Meeting will be held on Monday 15th April at 8pm.  Previous minutes and agenda will be available at the back next week.  There are no ministry booklets being produced this year but if you are a ministry leader and you would like to share something with the church, please speak to Tim Stephenson.

Youth Matters!

Dan Ovens, our Youth Pastor, is looking for help with the following:

Soul Survivor: August 23-28 (Peterborough) – driver/s needed.  Dan is taking a large team of young people but in order to enable even more to go, we need additional driver/s (you would be using your own vehicle). Please speak to Dan if you are able to help.

Help Required @ The Gathering Weekend 29-30 June 2019

These are the following areas where we still need help for the above event: Refreshments; PA; Stewards / welcomers; Communion team; First aiders; Setup / breakdown team.  There is a sign-up sheet at the back so please consider where you may be able to serve. Thank you.

Women’s Bible Study

Next one takes place on Mon 29th April at 7:30pm.  New study notes at the back!

…This week is Easter holidays…

Please check with your lifegroup leader regarding your midweek meeting

… Dates for your diary …