Carols by Candlelight
This will take place tonight at 6pm. Please invite friends along to this wonderful evening of readings and carols.
Missions and Persecuted Church Prayer
There will be a missions and persecuted church prayer meeting tomorrow night, Monday 19th December, at 7:45pm. Please contact Vanessa Naish for further details.
Corsham Town Carol Service
This is happening on Tuesday, 20th December, commencing at 6:45pm. People are asked to gather in the High Street outside Haine and Smith. If you had put your name down to be involved in this event, please contact Louise as the sign-up sheet was removed from the back of the church before all names were noted!
Christmas Eve Service, 24th Dec
This is a reflective service where we come together to lift our praises to God during this very busy time. If families would like to come to this service there will be junior church provision. As it is a later service for the children, they are encouraged to come in their pyjamas if they wish! Please speak to Rhiannon if you have any questions.
Christmas day, 25th Dec
Christmas day will be a joint service @ Priory St, 10am. Please note there will be no evening service on Christmas day.
Baptism Service
We will be having another baptism service at the 11:15am service on Sunday 29th January. Please speak to Eddie if you are thinking about being baptised.
Christmas Activities at Church on the Green
DIY Christmas Decoration Workshop Wednesday, 21st December (9am-1pm);
Café on the Green Saturdays, 24th December (2:30-4:30pm);
Carol singing round Rudloe Christmas Eve: Saturday, 24th December (5-6pm);
Carol service Christmas Eve: Saturday, 24th December (6.45pm, set up from 6pm);
DIY nativity service Christmas Day, Sunday, 25th December, 10am
….Looking ahead….
1st Jan: Joint service at Priory St. @ 10am; no evening service on new year’s day
4th Jan: Midweek service, 2pm
6th-7th Jan: Leaders’ retreat @ Childswickham
16th Jan: Church Meeting, 8pm
18th Jan: Midweek service, 2pm
28th Jan: The Ark, 10am
29th Jan: Ernie Pillinger dedication; baptism @ 11:15am service
30th Jan: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
All CBC ministries & meetings are now closed over the Christmas holiday period.