Notices for 19th July 2020

Notices for 19th July 2020

Church on the Green @ 10am

Rob will be leading an interactive Bible Study and prayer and you’ll be able to join online or via a standard phone call as follows:

ALSO…. Church on the Green has a brand new web site at:

Priory Street – joint service @ 10am

Eddie is back, picking up with 1 Peter 3:18-22 this week.

The ‘new normal’ continues with prayer and fellowship – contact your LIFE group leaders for when and how that is happening. Or use the contact form if you’re not part of one but would like to join in.

Junior Church

Activities for various age groups will be live on the CBC Junior Church channel on Sunday morning.

Evening prayer @ 8pm

Maybe it is easier to concentrate in the evening, after the children are in bed? If you’d like to join a small group, via Zoom, for a couple of Bible readings and to share and receive prayer reach out to Joey, Natalie or use the contact form.

MK Staff Training Course

For the last three years CBC has hosted this training course for new workers going overseas to care for and teach missionaries’ children. This year, due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it is happening on Zoom. The participants come from Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Kenya, Switzerland and the UK and they are heading for Thailand, Senegal, and the Gambia. One couple are currently in Canada learning English and French, and another participant is based in an Asian country, so time-zones are a challenge.  We are looking forward to meeting  them all online on Sunday evening 26th July. From Monday 27th to Friday 31st there will be 15 adults and from Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th, 9 adults, joining in with Zoom teaching for two hours twice each day, from 1 till 3 pm and from 4 to 6 pm. Both Steve and Gill will be teaching each day.

At the moment it is unclear when they will be able to travel overseas and when schools will reopen.

Although CBC cannot host the course this year, you can still join in by praying for us. Also Norman and Pat (Tuesday 28th), Rob (Thursday 30th) and Joan (Friday 31st) will be giving devotional talks, so it would be good to pray for them too. Please pray for all of the participants, especially as they have had to do a lot of advance reading and preparation in English, which is an additional language for most of them. There are seven children aged 18 months to 11 – we will not be teaching them but will supply materials for the parents to use. Pray that they will gel as a group even with the more limited time together. Also for God’s hand on the technology. Thank you.

If you would like further information such as a timetable or photos of the participants to inspire your personal prayers, please get in touch with Steve and Gill.

Holiday club online

Looking for something to occupy your primary school aged children during the summer holidays? Then look no further! Join Rhiannon for:

  • Puppets
  • Bible stories
  • Singing
  • Crafts
  • Rhiannon’s world-famous fire drill

10am Monday Aug 10th to Friday Aug 14th

Registration is COMPULSORY!!

In order to receive your craft resource goody bag (or for more information), please email children’s names, ages and delivery address to Rhiannon.
Deadline for registration is Friday July 31st and goody bags will be delivered the week beginning Aug 3rd (socially distanced drop off)

Youth Groups pause for summer

Wed 22nd will be the last youth group as we’ll not be meeting during August. Look forward to catching up first week of September.

Re-opening Priory Street…

Silhouetted figure in prayer
Individual prayer Mon: 6pm-8pm; Weds: 2pm-4pm; Fri 11am-1pm
Youth Bible Study: Weds 7.15 – 8.45pm

Priory Street is now open to all within the fellowship and indeed the wider community. There has been a lot of careful consideration put into this and we believe we have done all that we can to reduce the risks of virus transmission. This included removing Bibles from use, so please bring your own. Dan will also start his Wednesday group in person.

We ask that no one with symptoms comes and we will need to record your names and contact details in case someone subsequently displays symptoms and we need to let you know. You can read our full set of precautions including the privacy statement about how to we will keep your personal information safe here.

Coming up…

Many activities happen even while we cannot meet together in person. If you or someone you know is feeling left out, please get in touch via the contact form or call the office.

  • Each Wednesday and Sunday at 7pm, Lunn Green will be hosting a live prayer event. This is a great way to feel connected to the wider family at a time when many of us are isolated and under pressure.  Please use this link to connect to the event.

Updated 19 July: dates of devotionals led by Norman and Pat and by Rob were originally the wrong way around, now corrected.