Praise and Worship Evening
This evening we will have the first of our regular praise and worship evenings (planned for the third Sunday evening in the month). The evening will be set aside for a time of extended sung worship, praise and prayer, including some testimonies to the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ. The evening will be led by Nancy Sawyer and Jo Pillinger.
Bible Society at New Wine 22-28 July 2017
Bible Society invite you to come along to New Wine week 1 as a volunteer in the cafe venue. Contact or 01793 418222 for more information. Thank you – Susan Wingrave at Church on the Green.
The iHi project (in His image)
Do you parent or care for a family member on the Autism/ADHD spectrum? Would you like to meet with me for some spiritual support and strategies for family life? Please fill in the form at the back of church and place in the envelope if you are interested. Debbie Riall (
Midweek Service
The midweek service will take place on Wednesday 24th May at 2pm. The text will be Ruth chapter 3. Eric will be leading and preaching. The service is followed by tea/coffee and home-made cake.
Pat Romang
A Thanksgiving Service for the life of Pat (a regular member of the Mid-Week congregation) will be held in our church at 2:45pm on Thursday 25th May to which all are welcome. This will be preceded by a short interment service at Neston Parish Church graveyard at 2.00pm for family members and close friends only
Lancaster Newsletter
Please take the time to read the latest newsletter from Steve and Ruth Lancaster who are our missionaries in Tanzania. It makes for a most interesting read! There are paper copies on the table at the back or you can go to
Uganda team fundraiser
Do you like breakfast?!! Do you want to support the team going to Uganda? Then join us on Saturday June 17th at 10am for our fundraising brunch. There will be lots of breakfast choices as well as cakes. So why not drop in for something to eat and a chat and help raise some funds for the team.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Tomorrow, Monday 22nd May, is the next ladies’ bible study. Bible study notes are available for you to take to go through with your study buddy. Please speak to Anne or Kathy for more information. Start time 7:30pm. The meeting starts with tea/coffee and home-made cake.
The Ark
The next Ark is on Saturday 27th May at 10.00am at CBC. Do come along with 0-7ish aged children and join us if you’re not away for half term.
Elder Election
At the Church Meeting on 17th July 2017 we will be holding an election for the role of Elder of Corsham Baptist Church as part of our plan to expand the Oversight Team. The nomination process will commence on 18th June and conclude on 2nd July.
30 Days of Prayer
Ramadan starts on 27th May. Gill Bryant has ordered some prayer booklets (£2.50 each). If you would like one please see her or go to the website at
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; Ladies’ bible study, 7:30pm
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10:00am
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10:00am; Midweek service, 2pm; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; the Ark, 10am; Cafe on the Green, 2:30pm
….At a quick glance…
29th May: Bank holiday and half term
3rd June: Craft Club, 10am
4th June: Pentecost service, 6pm
7th June: Midweek service, 2pm
11th June: Infant dedication: 11:15am service
13th June: Men’s night, bbq social
17th June: Uganda fund-raiser – brunch!
18th-30th June: Building team in Tanzania
18th June: Nominations for elder open
19th June: Missions and Prayer for the persecuted church, 7:45pm
21st June: Midweek service, 2pm
24th June: The Ark, 10am
26th June: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
2nd July: Infant dedication 9:15am service
8th July: Steph Grylls’/Beren Miles’ wedding
15th July: TLC annual summer party, 3-5pm
17th July: Church Meeting, 8pm
19th July: Midweek service, 2pm
24th July: WEC training commences at CBC
26th July: WEC open evening at Priory Street
30th July: WEC evening, 6pm
2nd August: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd August: WEC training concludes