The Gathering Weekend
This event is taking place on 7th and 8th July 2018. Meetings on the Saturday will be at Priory Street and on the Sunday at the Springfield Campus. Tickets at £5 per person are available through your congregational leader. Jenny Gaisford at 9:15am; John Godwin at the 11:15am service; Norman Fuggle at the midweek service & Adrian Pillinger at Church on the Green.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service will be held on 30th May at 2pm. The text is 1 Peter 2.11-25. Eric will lead and David will preach.
Prayer for the Unreached
Ramadan is from 15th May to 14th June 2018. Please see the website at to order a booklet to help you to pray (£2.50 each) or contact Wendy Rowe or Gill Bryant.
Fancy attending New Wine for Free?
Bible Society are looking for volunteers to serve in their café in Week 2 of New Wine (5-11 Aug 2018). There’s no cooking involved and you get to serve with a great team of volunteers and staff. If you are interested, please contact Sue Wingrave.
Prayer for Unsaved Family Members
Do you have family members who are indifferent or hostile to Jesus? Perhaps they once walked with Jesus but have now turned away from Him? Come and join us to pray for them on Wednesday June 20th 2018 at CBC 2-3pm. Please contact Helen Christie for further information.
Monthly Prayer Meeting for Pewsham
A reminder that there is prayer for Pewsham – second Sunday evening of each month. See Phil & Helen Osmond for details. Those who live in or near it will know where it is.
Bryant Newsletter
Please take a copy of Steve and Gill’s very interesting newsletter from the table at the back.
Craft Club
A reminder that the next Craft Club will take place on Saturday 2nd June at 10am at Priory Street. Please chat to Hazel Hammett for more details of this monthly group.
A call for help – accommodation needed
From 22nd July to 1st August, CBC will be hosting the MK Staff Training course on behalf of WEC International. This is the same course that was held at the church last year and it is being run by Steve and Gill Bryant. There is an opportunity for church members to help by providing accommodation for one or more of our participants, who will be serving God overseas in a role that supports world mission by teaching or caring for missionary children. If you are able to offer accommodation for all or part of this time, please contact Steve and Gill.
Mission Event
We will be holding a Mission Matters event on Sunday 10th June, starting at 4:15pm, with tea and cakes. Steve and Gill Bryant will be sharing about their recent trips and forthcoming WEC training in July. Stuart, Lynne and Matthew Little will be sharing about their forthcoming mission work with Mercy Ships.
This is an exciting opportunity to hear from our missionaries and to find out how we can support them in their work. If you are able to bring some cakes/ sandwiches or help serve drinks please see Wendy Rowe. Thank you for your continued support with our mission work.
Men’s Fight Night
A reminder … men’s fight night is on every second Monday of the month at 8pm : 11th June; 9th July; 13th August; 10th September
This week is half term so please check with your Life Group co-ordinator about your meetings
…Coming up…
30th May: Midweek service, 2pm
2nd June: Craft club, 10am
3rd June: “Gathered to Pray” 6pm in the coffee hall
3rd June: Prayer evening, 6pm
10th June: Mission event, 4:15pm
11th June: Men’s fight night, 8pm
13th June: Midweek service, 2pm
23rd June: Seniors’ summer party, 3pm