Notices for 3rd July, 2016

Notices for 3rd July, 2016

Weston-Super-Mare trip – Sunday 17th July 10.30am to 6.30pm

Thanks to all who have completed a form and paid for this trip so far – the numbers currently stand at 55!  We need to confirm numbers for the coaches this week so please, if possible, pay by today.  If you are unable to do this today, please let Stuart or Lynne Little know by Wed 6th July.  We look forward to a great day out.  Many thanks.  Lynne and Stuart Little. There will be a service at Priory Street at 11:15am for those not going on this trip.

Mission Team

Our mission team returned from Tanzania this morning. We look forward to hearing how God used them in the service of his kingdom in Africa.

TLC Annual Summer Party

This is taking place on Saturday 9th July, 3-5pm. We require cakes for the event so please sign up at the back. We also need people to help in the following areas: pre-event food preparation; serving at tables; serving in the kitchen; clear up team. If you are willing to help, please see Alan Christie or Joan Cooper. Thank you.

The Ark

No Ark now until September 24th.  Thank you so much to everyone who came along to the Ark this year and to everyone who helped in any way whether large or small. We had a fantastic year and are very grateful to God for his provision and we look forward with excitement to September. We hope to see you then. Heather & Alexa.

Safe to Grow (Child Protection) Training

Saturday 17th September: 9 – 12.30pm @ CBC. For ALL involved in children’s and youth work in the Church, as part of new Baptist Union regulations. This includes helpers for the Ark, Junior Church, Toddler Group & Youth work activities. Please note the date in your diaries and confirm availability with Louise du Toit or Rhiannon Price. We can train 30 at a time, so once full we will arrange a second training date.

Missions and Persecuted Church Prayer

This is taking place on Monday 25th July. God is keeping us busy on the mission front and during this meeting we will be praying for Neal and Lesley Grindrod, the Lancasters and the Sanga Sanga building project, Hannah Little and the Bryants along with Karen and Anna Hurley. We will also be praying for the persecuted Church – our brothers and sisters in Christ worldwide. We would love you to join us from 7:45 to 9:00pm.

Mission Sunday

This is happening on 10th July. This year we have Steve Lancaster preaching at the three services being held at Corsham and Ruth will be speaking to Junior Church during both morning services. To celebrate Mission Sunday we will be having an international tea from 4:00 pm to 5:45pm.

We would like people to bring finger food such as sandwiches, cakes, biscuits and anything else you can think of that comes from a different country.  We will also need donations of non- alcoholic cold drinks. There are sign-up sheets in the coffee hall to show if you are coming, able to help and if you are able to bring any food/ drinks. If you have any questions, speak to Wendy Rowe.

Hannah Little

Hannah Little will be going to serve in the Calais refugee camp, “The Jungle”, and is looking to collect items of clothing to take with her which must be brought to the church before the 17th July. These can be stored on the left hand side of stage in the church.

Mission Trip Photos

Have you been on a mission trip? Do you have any photos? If you do, please email Wendy Rowe a photo of your trip (by Thursday evening) with a caption of where you were and what you were doing. We would like to show the photos on a screen during the International tea next week.

..This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Energize, 5:30-6:30pm

Saturday: Prayer @ 8:30am; Annual TLC Summer Party, 3:00pm

Looking ahead…

10th July: Mission Sunday & International Tea

13th July: Midweek Service, 2:00pm

17th July: Church day out to Weston; service at 11:15am for those not going to Weston

18th July: Church Meeting, 8:00pm

25th July: Missions and persecuted church prayer meeting, 7:45pm

27th July: Midweek service, 2:00pm

30th July: “Connected” @ the Spruijts’

10th August: Midweek service, 2:00pm

13th August: Soul Survivor for Youth

19th August: Tim Harding wedding, 2:00pm

24th August: Midweek service, 2:00pm