Church on the Green @ 10am
Rob will be leading interactive Bible Study and prayer as last week. You’ll be able to join online or via a standard phone call as follows:
Priory Street – joint service @ 10am
Evening prayer @8pm
Maybe it is easier to concentrate in the evening, after the children are in bed? If you’d like to join a small group, via Zoom, for a couple of Bible readings and to share and receive prayer reach out to Joey, Natalie or use the contact form.
Junior Church
Activities for various age groups will be live on the CBC Junior Church channel on Sunday morning.
CBC Prayer Chain
Just a reminder…the Prayer Chain is specifically for the needs of our church family. When requesting prayer, please ensure you have the permission of the person to be prayed for if it is not yourself.” Send email to or use the form at: Thank you!
Please click on this link for an update from Compassion,
Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
Please see the link below to the Parliamentary Prayer breakfast – this year available to all online – and a call to write to Michelle Donelan and James Gray to encourage their attendance
Coming up…
Many activities happen even while we cannot meet together in person. If you or someone you know is feeling left out, please get in touch via the contact form or call the office.
- Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: “Letter from ‘lockdown'” is Eddie’s devotional video. And as a bonus, on Fridays Nigel Coles publishes “Hope in uncertain times”. Everything is available on the CBC site here, with additional notifications via Facebook and Twitter.
- Tuesday evenings at 7pm: Zoom Meetings for junior church children (school years 6,7,8). Please contact either Wendy R or John P (in the directory).
- Each Wednesday and Sunday at 7pm, Lunn Green will be hosting a live prayer event. This is a great way to feel connected to the wider family at a time when many of us are isolated and under pressure. Please use this link to connect to the event.
- Wednesday 7.15 – 8.45pm. Rooted – An opportunity for young people (year 8+) to catch up virtually and dig into the Bible together.
- Friday 6.30-7.45pm. Connect – An opportunity for year 7’s to connect virtually, play games and dig into the Bible together.
- Sunday 7.15 – 8.45pm. Impact – A virtual youth club (year 8+), where the young people can hang out, have fun, & deepen friendships through a range of interactive activities
Local Community News
Whilst we appreciate these are not Corsham Baptist Church matters or activities, given the nature of current circumstances and the different situations in which people in the congregations find themselves, we thought these might be of help to some folk…
- Allington Farm shop are doing deliveries if anyone is needing that. They seem to have plenty of slots available.
- AgeUk are doing regular phone calls to the elderly for a chat and to check up on people (‘assurance’ phone calls is what they call them!) on 0808 196 2424
Email: & you can phone up to refer people to them. - There is also a new ‘Daily Hope’ free phone number created by our ‘Faith In Later Life’ project/Archbishop of Canterbury and others, for people to choose from hymns, prayers, talks etc whatever denomination or of no faith on 0800 804 8044
- Corsham town council & other volunteers in Corsham to the extent of Wadswick Green location are willing to help with food shopping & deliveries, medication deliveries etc:
- Town Council – 01249 702130
- Corsham Connections –
- Corsham Link (transport for medical appointments but will also delivery prescriptions etc) – 07884 887105
- And there are others willing to volunteer to help people according to your location etc on the Wiltshire Council support directory – (This is updated regularly)
- Wiltshire Council has provision for helping those who need deliveries or any other issues with isolation at the moment – 0300 003 4576
- They’ve also set up a list of resources for people during lockdown (keeping active as well as for those who are disabled, mental health, creative ideas & activities, etc) – scroll down each section to get past the stuff for children!
- The Richmond Fellowship (there’s a branch that meets at a church in Chippenham) has set up phone calls etc for people who want someone to talk to on Telephone: 01380 724833 Email: