Week of Prayer 2018 – Friday

Week of Prayer 2018 – Friday

Welcome to our Week of Prayer!

To help you get started, we have some prayer stations set up in the church and I have prepared some prayer points some of which are requests from those involved in the ministries and some of which are suggestions. This is not an exhaustive list, so please don’t be constrained by it but pray as the Spirit leads you. You may like to begin by reading a psalm of praise and praising God for all He is and has done for us in Christ. (Some suggestions – Psalm 8, 96, 103, 145, 146.)

Our vision is to be a “gospel-centred church”, aiming to make disciples, reach out to the local community with the love and truth of God and to play our part in taking the gospel to the “ends of the earth”. (Acts 1:8) With this in mind, let’s lift the ministries of our church to God in prayer!

I’ve split the notes up so there will be a daily update but if you want to get them all now click here.


  • Praise God for the many services we have

  • Pray for the many people involved in serving before, during and after our services e.g.

    • The Welcome Team on the door
    • Those who prepare and clear away Communion
    • Those involved with taking up the offering and counting it afterwards
    • Those who serve teas and coffees
    • Those involved in prayer, leading worship, the overhead, the sound desk, preaching………..
    • The duty elders and deacons


  • Pray for the sound system operators and Ben Ross who leads this ministry

  • Wisdom in maintaining and improving the system

  • Patience for everyone, particularly between the two morning services which can be tricky


  • Praise God for the many gifted musicians and worship leaders He has given us

  • Pray that they would all grow in their walk with God as they serve in this ministry

  • Ask God to raise up others gifted to serve in this way

  • Pray for David M as he oversees the 11.15 worship teams and Joey P as he oversees the 9.15 worship teams

  • Pray that we would all grow in worshipping God in spirit and truth


  • Praise God that there are so many Life Groups but pray that more people would join groups and grow through the fellowship of being together

  • Praise God for the many Formation Groups and ask that God would use these groups to transform us by the renewing of our minds

  • Pray for the leaders of all the groups that they would grow in wisdom and strength

  • Ask God to raise up more leaders

  • A growing balance within the groups across all four areas in the LIFE principles i.e. Loving God, Individually known, Fellowship and Evangelism


  • Pray that God would help us all to reflect His love in caring for our brothers and sisters

  • Pray for the sick and housebound and those who visit them

  • For Joan C as she seeks to oversee and meet the growing pastoral needs of the fellowship

  • Those organising, preparing and distributing meals


  • Praise God for the many opportunities to meet together to pray

  • The Prayer Chain – many answered prayers – those who administer it and those who pray

  • Those who lead us in intercessory prayer and those who pray with us after services

  • Pray that God would give us all the desire to draw closer to Him in prayer