Week of Prayer 2018 – Saturday

Week of Prayer 2018 – Saturday

Welcome to our Week of Prayer!

To help you get started, we have some prayer stations set up in the church and I have prepared some prayer points some of which are requests from those involved in the ministries and some of which are suggestions. This is not an exhaustive list, so please don’t be constrained by it but pray as the Spirit leads you. You may like to begin by reading a psalm of praise and praising God for all He is and has done for us in Christ. (Some suggestions – Psalm 8, 96, 103, 145, 146.)

Our vision is to be a “gospel-centred church”, aiming to make disciples, reach out to the local community with the love and truth of God and to play our part in taking the gospel to the “ends of the earth”. (Acts 1:8) With this in mind, let’s lift the ministries of our church to God in prayer!

I’ve split the notes up so there will be a daily update but if you want to get them all now click here.


  • Steve and Ruth in Tanzania – with AIM

  • Gill and Steve in UK – with WEC

  • Praise God for the time Neal and Lesley spent in Austria with Oasis and pray for them as they prepare to return there in February

  • Compassion and the children sponsored by church members

  • The Bible Society – Sue W, Alan K and Esther K who work there

  • Short term mission – trip to Tanzania in October

  • The Littles on Mercy Ships

  • Persecuted Christians around the world


  • Pray for those involved in this ministry – Brenda, John G, Colin W, Alan C and Alan S as he leads the ministry

  • Keep the ministry rooted in prayer and gospel centred

  • Clients – their financial situations and opportunities to speak the gospel to them


  • For all those involved in assisting our church in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and giving God all the glory e.g. those who design and distribute flyers, those who produce banners, those who provide information about our church and our ministries

  • Pray for Louise as she processes and uploads the morning sermons at Priory Street and COTG

  • Pray for Tim S as he works on the web site

  • Pray that God would be glorified and that all our communications would always point to Him, not us!


  • Praise God for a good health and safety record within our congregations

  • Thank God for the opportunities that have been taken to improve Health and Safety

  • Tim M as he oversees this ministry

  • Raise up others with the necessary gifts to serve in this ministry


  • Praise God for His blessing on this group

  • Pray that whilst sharing craft ideas and techniques, they would be building deeper relationships with one another

  • Pray that the church ladies would be bold in inviting their non-church friends

  • Pray for opportunities to speak of Jesus to these friends

  • Pray for Pam M and Hazel H as they lead this group


  • Christianity and Discipleship Explored groups, walking groups, one-to-ones etc.

  • Pray that in all our activities we would seek to point others to Jesus, to share the gospel with unbelievers, to encourage and disciple one another and to give all the glory to God