Church Meeting
Our next church meeting will be held on Monday 13th October at 8pm. It is a very important meeting as we will be voting on the church plant in Rudloe. Would as many members as possible please attend.
Harvest Offering
Thank you for all the donations made to the Ebola crisis via Tearfund and the work of the Oasis Centre. Offerings received were in the region of £1234.
Sunday 19th October
Please note, there will be no evening service at CBC on Sunday, 19th October. It is Bible Sunday and there will be a joint service at St. Patrick’s at 6pm.
Compassion Sunday
Sunday 19th October has been designated as Compassion Sunday to focus on the plight of children living in extreme poverty. Compassion is a child sponsorship programme, which works to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. There will be a short presentation during the service, and an opportunity for you to sponsor a child. After the service Roger and Hazel, and John and Rachael will be available with child profiles, and to answer any questions you may have.
Prayer Meeting – New congregation
We are continuing with our regular prayer meetings for both the new congregation and the work of our existing congregation at Priory Street. The meetings take place in The Hut from 8.30-9.30am on Saturday mornings. Everyone welcome!
The Light Party
This is our annual outreach – as an alternative to halloween – for children aged 5-11 years in our church and the community. It will be held on Friday 31st October at the church from 6-8pm. We will need help setting up/breaking down, signing children in and assisting with activities. If you would like to serve in this way, please sign up. Registration forms are also available for your child/ren. Please complete and return to Ginny or the church office.
The Lunch Club
The next Lunch Club for our seniors will be held on Tuesday 14th October. Please speak to Michael or Wendy for more details.
Missions and Persecuted Church Prayer
We will meet on Wednesday 15th October from 7.30 till 9.00pm at Roger and Hazel’s home. The country of the month is Algeria and we will also pray for our own missionaries and the Oasis Centre. All welcome – please see Gill for details.
Request for Old Reading Glasses
Bible Society want to support a literacy class in Cambodia by providing reading glasses. If you have any reading glasses that you no longer need, could you give them to Sue Wingrave so that she can pass them on. If anyone is interested in some pictures of the last time we provided some, Sue can email them to you.
Items for Sale
A member of our congregation has some items for sale, proceeds of which will be given to the church. Some of the items include conservatory table and chairs, and children’s bicycles. If you are interested, please contact Louise in the office and she will give you further details.
Ladies’ Bible Study
The next ladies’ bible study will be on Monday 20th October at 7.30pm. All ladies are welcome to attend. If you would like more information, speak to Anne or Kathy.
Youth Weekend Away
In just two weeks’ time, Dan and a group of approximately 30 young people and leaders will be heading to a Christian Centre, near Chepstow, for their annual weekend away. However, in order to make this youth trip possible we need your help! Here are two ways in which you can help support:
- Drivers: we need individuals willing to drive young people to and/or from the Christian Centre on Friday afternoon (24th Oct) / Sunday afternoon (26th Oct).
- Prayer! That God would bless our time away, that the young people will grow in friendships with one another and ultimately with God! If you can assist, please let Dan know. Thanks.
Parking along Priory Street
Once again we are experiencing problems with people parking on Priory Street on a Sunday morning and upsetting our neighbours. May we kindly request that you park in one of the town carparks or other streets in the surrounding area but not along Priory Street.
New Cooker
To all those who are wondering why the cooker has not been installed yet, we are waiting for E-ON to upgrade our gas meter. This is necessary because of the larger boiler and cooker gas requirement than we had before.
This week:
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; Church Meeting, 8pm
Tuesday: TLC, 12 noon
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; prayer for persecuted church 7.30pm
Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm
Friday: Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for the plant, 8.30am in the Hut
Upcoming dates in brief:
19th Oct: Compassion Sunday
19th Oct: Bible Sunday – no evening service at CBC
20th Oct: Ladies’ Bible study, 7.30pm
22nd Oct: Midweek service, 2pm
24-26th Oct: Youth weekend away
25th Oct: The Ark, 10am
31st Oct: Light Party, 6-8pm
2nd Nov: Visitor from Oasis Centre evening service
3rd Nov: Prayer evening for the Ebola crisis
5th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
11th Nov: The Lunch Club
12th Nov: Persecuted Church prayer, 7.30pm
16th Nov: Persecuted Church Sunday
19th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
24th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
29th Nov: The Ark, 10am