Mission trip to Oasis by Neal and Lesley Grindrod

Mission trip to Oasis by Neal and Lesley Grindrod

Romans 10:14-15 “How then can they call on One they have not believed in, and how can they believe in One of whom they have not heard? How can they hear without someone preaching to them, and how can they preach unless they are sent?”

We are thrilled that Corsham Baptist Church has given us the amazing opportunity to join the ministry team at Oasis, in Traiskirchen, Austria for 3 months later this year. We leave the UK on 5th August 2016 and expect to return towards the end of October.
As part of the team we will be reaching out to refugees who are seeking asylum in the West, our desire being to reflect the heart of God by offering them the hope, life and refuge that can only be found in Jesus.

The Oasis team’s focus is to equip those who come to faith to be able to share Jesus with others, including their own people, both in Austria and in their countries of origin. Its aim is to walk alongside refugees, offering them the Living Water of Jesus Christ whilst supporting them both practically and emotionally.

During our time at Oasis we will be involved in various areas of service including men’s, women’s, children’s and teens’ ministries; personal and group Bible studies; discipleship classes; visiting refugees; relief ministry and practical assistance. We will also take part in evenings where the gospel is explained, help run a coffee bar where the Jesus film is shown and assist in the distribution of clothing and Bibles & Christian literature in the mother tongues of the refugees.

It is also our desire to be a source of blessing and encouragement to the long-term staff at Oasis.

Prayer Requests: That the Lord will direct our steps according to His Word, and bring us into contact with the ones He wants us to reach.

Neal and Lesley Grindrod.