HOWTO create sermons using Sermon Manager

Sermon Manager is the WordPress plugin we have been using since around 2017. It has options to host audio, video and documents associated with the sermon. Here’s the basic summary:

  1. Ahead of the service, add a new Sermon
  2. Fill out the various attributes of the sermon: date, preacher etc.
  3. (If there was no stream) Upload an audio recording of the sermon after the service.

Below I show the screen for uploading a new sermon, with suggestions on how I propose we use each field. I hope it’s fairly self-explanatory (click on it to get a bigger, more readable, version):

Screenshot of form for uploading a sermon
Click image for a larger view

In detail:

  1. Enter a title for sermon, this can include the series title and date or minimally the passage being expounded
  2. Click in the Date Preached field and select the date. I have noted that this field can get ‘forgotten’ so after publishing check it is still there. If necessary set it again and Update.
  3. Select the service type. If there is a stream, choose whichever is being streamed (i.e. 9:15 or 11:15, otherwise choose the one that will be recorded or, if unsure, leave it till after the Sunday.
  4. Bible passage is self explanatory.
  5. If there is a stream URL add it under ‘Video Link’
  6. Permalink (aka ‘slug’) should start with the date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. This is what allows the audio to posted automatically on Sunday afternoon. For example: 2021-11-21-good-news-by-mark. Spaces are not allowed in the slug.
  7. Select the Preacher, Series and Book from the available lists. Occasionally you may find you need to add a new one but please take care not to add the same one repeatedly by searching first (type the first couple of letters and wait).
  8. Under ‘Sermon image’, set the series image or the CBC logo if we have a one-off sermon. In the event of needing new images a number of people are willing and able to create something. Note that we must use licensed images such as from
  9. Description, MP3 location and duration, Video embed code, Sermon notes and Bulletin are not currently used.
  10. Preview, check and publish.

After the service, if there was no stream, we need to post the audio file (MP3). This is done as follows:

  1. Collect the mini audio recorder from the sound desk and extend the retractable USB A connector so it may be plugged into the computer to transfer the file.
  2. The recorder will typically mount two drives automatically. Within one of them should be a file named Rec_file (from memory) and you should find a file named yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm, which I believe corresponds to the start time of the recording. So the recording at the 11:15 service on 14 Nov 21 would be something like 2021-11-14-11-41.mp3 depending exactly when the sermon starts.
  3. Copy this file to the computer.
  4. Open and edit the audio file as necessary (see below)
  5. Return to WordPress and re-open the Sermon (under Sermons > All sermons)
  6. Click Add Sermon Audio and select the audio file
  7. Wait as it uploads and then
  8. Preview, test the audio and
  9. Update
  10. (Then check the date has not been lost)

Use of Audacity to edit audio

Audacity is a very powerful tool description of which is beyond the scope of this guide but the common steps are:

  1. Trim the start and end of the file if necessary.
  2. Convert to mono
  3. Amplify to raise or lower (using a negative value for amplification) the volume to ensure it peaks as close o the top of the green as possible but without slipping into the red.
  4. Export setting the file properties as follows:
    1. Artist: Preacher’s name
    2. Track title: YYYY_MM_DD_SERVICE, e.g. 2021_11_14_1115
    3. Album title: Sermon series title
    4. Year: YYYY
    5. Comments: Corsham Baptist Church