Prayer Meeting
A reminder that we will be having our usual prayer meeting this evening at 6pm. All welcome!
Midweek Service
The next midweek service is on Wed 6th December. The text is 2 Samuel 23.1-7. Eric Seager will be leading and preaching.
Carols by Candlelight – 17th December, 6pm
We’re planning once again to put together a band/ ensemble/ mini-orchestra for the carols by candlelight service. If you play an instrument (to grade 5 or above) and would be interested in playing at the carol service, David Morrell would love to hear from you, with details of what you play if he doesn’t already know! It would be great to hear from everyone who’s interested in taking part as soon as possible. You can speak to David face to face or email him on
Fight Night
Monday night at CBC is “Fight Night” (second Monday of every month at 8pm). This is a men’s prayer meeting where we pray for our Christian witness, to honour the women in our lives, and for anything and everything as the Spirit leads.
MK Staff Training 2018
This summer (2017) CBC hosted the MK Staff Training course for WEC International. As a church we had the opportunity to meet and be a blessing to new mission workers from all over the world, preparing to serve in schools attended by missionaries’ children. The same course will be held at CBC again in 2018, from Sunday evening 22nd July to Thursday morning 2nd August. We are looking for hosts to provide accommodation, and help with catering and taxi driving for our participants. If you would like to help in any way please talk with Steve or Gill Bryant. Thank you!
Grindrods’ Blog
Please take a paper copy of the latest blog from Austria or visit the link
Christmas cards for persecuted believers
“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Heb.13:3
Christmas cards are available at the back of the church. Please take and send with prayer and a verse of encouragement. Send to Open Doors UK, P.O. Box 6, Whitney, OX296WG. Prefer via email? See Speak to Vanessa Naish if necessary.
Church Directory 2018
Please complete a form, which you can find at the back, if your details have changed or you are new to this fellowship. Once completed, leave in the box on the table at the back. The directory will be published in January. PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY!! Thank you!
Mission and Persecuted Church Prayer
The December Mission Prayer meeting has been cancelled. The next meeting will be on Monday 15th January.
Opportunities for Regular Giving
If you would like to give to the work of the church on a regular basis, you might wish to consider setting up a standing order through your bank. Alternatively, some people find it helpful to use a weekly numbered blue donation envelope for their offering. And of course, if you are a UK tax payer, then the value of your gift can be increased by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself, if you complete a Gift Aid Declaration.
If you would like to enrol on the blue envelope scheme for 2018, or would like to set up a standing order or make a Gift Aid Declaration, do please speak to one of the Treasury Team: Roger Hammett (Priory Street 11.15 Service); Lynne Little (Church on the Green, Rudloe) or Michael Prior (Priory Street 9.15 Service).
Christmas Service Offerings – 2017
On Saturday 16 December, the offering taken at the Nativity Service will be given to Compassion UK’s “Most Needed Fund” and will be used to support the work of their Child Survival Programme in many poor communities across the world. Should you wish to find out more go to
On Sunday 17 December, the offering from the Carols by Candlelight Service will be sent to support the work of the Oasis Centre, our mission partners in Austria working alongside refugees. For further information do look at Neal and Lesley Grindrod’s blog
If you are able to gift aid your donation, special yellow envelopes for your monetary offering are available on the table at the back of the building. Please do mark them “NATIVITY – COMPASSION” or “CHRISTMAS – OASIS”. When the offering is taken on the day, only the contents of the yellow envelopes, and loose cash/cheques will be included in the offering total. Blue envelopes will be treated as regular giving to the general work of the church. Please do pray about how you can contribute towards this offering, and speak to Lynne Little (Church on the Green, Rudloe), Michael Prior (Priory Street 9.15am) or Roger Hammett (Priory Street 11.15am) for clarification.
Family Christmas decoration-making workshop
We will be making Christmas decorations and having some festive fun this Saturday 9th December at church between 10am and 12pm. There’ll be glitter and tinsel in abundance! Children to be accompanied by a parent please. Help is needed for this event so please speak to Rhiannon to find out more and to sign up.
A Sweet Christmas – Women’s Christmas Event: Monday 11th December
We look forward to having fellowship and food together as we celebrate Christmas and encourage one another in our walk with God at this special time of year. This year we’re having a ‘Christmas curry’ with oodles of sweet treats! Any questions please speak to Anne Holmes, Christine Coltman or Vicki Kelly. There is a sign-up sheet.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7.30pm
Friday: CMDAC 9.30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am
All things Christmas @ CBC Priory Street
9th December, 10am-12pm: decoration-making workshop
11th December, 7:30pm: Women’s Christmas event
16th December, 5pm: Nativity Service
17th December, 6pm: Carols by Candlelight
20th December, 2pm: Midweek Christmas service
24th December: normal 9:15am and 11:15am services; communion 6pm
25th December, 10am: Christmas Day family service; no evening service
31st December: normal 9:15am and 11:15am services; no evening service