Rudloe News!
At the church meeting on the 13th October, the proposal – that with God’s enabling, we seek to establish a gospel-centred church in Rudloe – was unanimously agreed!
The first Rudloe Church service will take on Sunday 2nd November at the Rudloe Community Centre at 10.45am. Please lift this to God in prayer.
Prayer Meeting – Gospel Expansion
We are continuing with our regular prayer meetings for gospel expansion in Corsham and surrounding areas. The meetings take place in The Hut from 8.30-9.30am on Saturday mornings. We would encourage people to attend this prayer meeting and everyone is welcome!
The Light Party
This is our annual outreach – as an alternative to halloween – for children aged 5-11 years in our church and the community. It will be held this Friday 31st October at the church from 6-8pm. Registration forms are available for your child/ren. Please complete and return to Ginny or the church office.
Questions and Cake!
Vicky is organising some dates when housegroups will get together over “questions and cake”. The dates are:
Tuesday 18th November
Thursday 4th December
Wednesday 14th January
7.45pm start and 9.15pm finish
Please speak to Vicky for more details.
Evening Service 2nd November
At the evening service on 2nd Nov, we will have a talk by Jutter Henner from the Austrian Bible Society. We look forward to hearing about her work.
Parking along Priory Street
Once again we are experiencing problems with people parking on Priory Street on a Sunday morning and upsetting our neighbours. May we kindly request that you park in one of the town carparks or other streets in the surrounding area but not along Priory Street.
Areas to serve in at Priory Street
We have requested that those who are moving to Rudloe inform relevant ministry leaders as soon as possible that they will be relinquishing their duties here at Priory Street (at least for Sunday mornings) and ask that replacements be found on current rotas. As was highlighted at the start of the plant process, we are now in need of further people to step up and fulfil roles in the following areas here at Priory Street as there are several gaps in rotas. In light of the recent survey, please would you prayerfully consider in what areas of church life you might be able to serve. You can email Louise or the Ministry Leader (if you know who they are) to indicate your willingness to serve in any of these ministries.
Junior Church
Sound/PA (see specific notice)
Door greeting
Pastoral (see specific notice)
Specific pastoral help needed
Sara has worked hard co-ordinating meals for new families and Pat has sent birthday cards to our older members and friends. We thank these ladies for their hard work. However, both of them are no longer able to continue with these responsibilities and so we are now looking for someone to: co-ordinate meals for new families; send birthday cards to older members and friends of CBC. It would also be good to update our list of those willing to cook meals for new families. If you can help in any of these ways, please contact Joan or Louise in the office.
As Matt is moving to Rudloe and a few people have recently come off the rota, we have an urgent need for more people to help out on the PA rota. If anyone is interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Matt W who will be available for some training sessions before the morning service.
This week (half term):
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am
Thursday: Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm
Friday: Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am; Light Party 6-8pm
Saturday: Prayer for Rudloe and Priory Street, 8.30am in the Hut
Sunday: First Sunday morning service at Rudloe Community Centre, 10.45am
Upcoming dates in brief:
2nd Nov: Visitor from Oasis Centre, evening service
3rd Nov: Prayer evening for the Ebola crisis, 8-9pm, @ CBC
5th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
11th Nov: The Lunch Club
12th Nov: Persecuted Church prayer, 7.30pm
16th Nov: Persecuted Church Sunday visitor from Sat 7, at 5pm
18th Nov: Questions and cake: housegroups’ meeting
19th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
24th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
29th Nov: The Ark, 10am