Infant Dedication
This morning we would like to welcome the family and friends of Tim and Kathryn Hogg as their baby, Libby, is dedicated. Please stay for refreshments after the service.
Family Day – Sunday 5th July
This year our annual Family Day will be held at the Rudloe Community Centre next Sunday, 5th July. There will be a bbq, bouncy castles, games etc. so please come along to Rudloe after the morning service. In order for the day to run smoothly, we will be needing help and so there is a sign up sheet at the back. Alternatively please speak to Rob Durant about how/where you can help. Thank you.
Ladies’ Day 2015
This year our ladies’ day will be held at CBC Priory Street on Saturday 18th July starting at 10.30am and going through to late afternoon. There is a sign-up sheet on the back table so please write your name down! If you are only available for part of the day, please indicate whether you are intending to stay for lunch so we can cater accordingly. We are very happy to have Cath Swanson from AIM as our guest speaker for the day. Please speak to Anne Holmes or Kathy Larkman for more details about the day.
Calling all New Musicians!!
If you can sing or play, and are interested in knowing what it means to serve with the worship team at CBC, please come along to our ‘Newbies’ Worship Evening’ on Monday 6th July from 8pm at Priory Street. Speak to Matt Grylls for more details.
Visiting Missionary – Nepal Evening
Sue K is a missionary who has served with INF in Nepal for many years and will be visiting our Missions and Persecuted church meeting on Wednesday 8th July. Sue was teaching Sunday school in Nepal when the earthquake struck last month and she will speak about her experiences on that day, and in the following weeks before she returned to UK for home leave. Sue’s church in Pokhara is part of a “churches together” initiative which is now regularly taking aid up to devastated villages. It will be good to hear up to date news and to pray for the country of Nepal. Everyone is invited to this evening at Priory Street, 7.30pm.
Deacon Nominations
Nominations for the positions of Missions Deacon and Pastoral Deacon are now open and will close on 12th July. Voting will take place at the next Church Meeting on 20th July. Role descriptions are on the leadership board. Nomination forms and rules are on the table at the back.
Midweek Baptism Service I July
There will be a Service of Believer’s Baptism at 2pm on 1st July, when our sisters Jacquie H and Roxy G will be baptised by immersion. Eric Seager will be conducting the baptism and David Morrell will be preaching. Please pray for this service and come and bring your friends if you are able. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Craft Group
There will be another craft group meeting on Saturday 4th July from 10am. This month there will be a lace talk. If you would like more information, please speak to Kathy Ewins or Pam Mitchell.
Prayer Chain Revision Update
Please note that if you would like to join the prayer chain, or if you are already part of it and wish to remain part of it, you must fill in one of the forms at the back of the church and return it to Helen Christie or Margaret Seager.
Same-sex Marriage
Several people have been asking Eddie questions on this subject. He recommends the following books for their biblical faithfulness and pastoral sensitivity (both are written by pastors who themselves experience same-sex attraction):
- Ed Shaw: “The Plausibility Problem”
- Sam Allberry: “Is God Anti-Gay?”
Eddie also recommends this website:
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; Midweek baptismal service
Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am; Craft Group, 10am
…Looking ahead…
5th July: Family day, service at Priory Street followed by activities at Rudloe Community Centre green
5th July: No evening service at Priory Street
8th July: Prayer for Missions & Persecuted Church, 7.30pm
12th July: Infant dedication; evening service Uganda report back
18th July: Ladies’ Day, 10.30am (guest speaker Cath Swanson)
19th July: Mission Sunday (visit by Tony and Cath Swanson)
20th July: Church Meeting, 8pm