Two services
With effect from 13th September we will be starting our two morning services. The early service will start at 9.15am with Alan Kember overseeing this; the 11.15am service will be overseen by Alan Christie. Please speak to either of them to indicate which service you would prefer to attend and where you can serve. Thank you.
Same-Sex Marriage
Several people have been asking Eddie questions on this subject. He recommends the following books for their biblical faithfulness and pastoral sensitivity (both are written by pastors who themselves experience same-sex attraction): Ed Shaw: “The Plausibility Problem”; Sam Allberry: “Is God Anti-Gay?” Eddie also recommends this website:
Week of Prayer
Our annual week of prayer will now take place from the 6th-11th September. The church will be open for prayer at certain times during the week. Details will be available in next week’s newsletter. The evening service on the 6th will focus on prayer.
Men’s Weekend Away
This is taking place from 25th-27th September. Please speak to Ian if you would like more information about this.
Chippenham Street Pastors
Chippenham Street Pastors are in desperate need of more volunteers. A new training course will start on the 23rd September with an information evening from 7.30-9.30pm at Sheldon Road Methodist Church Chippenham. If you are interested in finding out more then please come along to the information evening or contact the Chippenham Street Pastors’ Co-ordinator, Michael Weeks or speak to Elspeth Pitman at CBC.
CBC Craft Group
The Craft Group is meeting after the summer break on Saturday 5th September, 10-12.30pm in the coffee hall. There will be a ‘soap making’ workshop during the morning as well as help with ongoing projects including the fabric boxes. We welcome new ideas for projects and would love to see what you have been doing over the summer. Bring yourself and a friend if only for a chat and coffee and cake! For more information contact Pam Mitchell or Kathy Ewins.
Lost Property
The lost property table is out in the coffee hall. Please go through the items and take whatever belongs to you. It will be out for three weeks after which any unclaimed items will be disposed of. Thank you.
Oasis Team Members
Julie and Naomi from the Oasis Centre in Vienna will be visiting Corsham for a week, arriving on Friday 11th September. They will attend the Sunday services on the 13th as well as the Missions Prayer meeting on the 16th September at 7.30pm. Please feel free to chat to them about the work that they do with refugees in Austria. Joan is co-ordinating their visit so please speak to her for further information.
…Coming up…
5th September: Craft group, 10am
6th-11th September: Week of Prayer
8th September: TLC, 12 o’clock
13th September: Two morning services commence, 9.15am and 11.15am
13th September: Evening service, visit from Oasis reps
16th September: Missions Prayer evening, 7.30pm
25th September: Men’s weekend away
26th September: The Ark, 10am
4th October: Harvest service
5th October: Church Meeting, 8pm
With the school holiday period almost over, please check with your housegroups or other meeting leaders as to when they re-commence.