Thank you!
Anne Holmes and Kathy Larkman would like to say a very big thank you to everyone involved in the ladies’ day yesterday. Thank you, too, to Cath Swanson for bringing us teaching and ministry and we trust that everyone who attended was blessed.
Church Meeting
There will be a church meeting at 8pm tomorrow night with some very important issues being discussed. Please would all church members try to attend if possible. Agendas and minutes from the previous Church Meeting are at the back.
Same-Sex Marriage
Several people have been asking Eddie questions on this subject. He recommends the following books for their biblical faithfulness and pastoral sensitivity (both are written by pastors who themselves experience same-sex attraction): Ed Shaw: “The Plausibility Problem”; Sam Allberry: “Is God Anti-Gay?” Eddie also recommends this website:
The ARK – new leader required
As some of you may know the Howlett family will be leaving CBC to worship in Bath. The ARK is therefore in need of some new help. We have a lovely regular group of 30 children who meet for 9 x 45 minute meetings a year. We would need the following:
1. A co-ordinator to help with the rota, publicity and record-keeping. This could be done by someone who does not always attend the ARK.
2. Someone to do “front of house” at the ARK, which mainly involves doing a two-minute talk on the topic of the week and being a “face” that is there every month for the families to get to know. If you think you could help please speak to Rachel or Rhiannon.
Life in the Lancs Lane!
With an update on what’s been happening in the lives of Ruth and Steve Lancaster during the last six weeks, please take a copy of their newsletter, or alternatively, head to the blog site at where you’ll also find a few more photos. Please note that it is Ruth’s birthday on the 20th August. If you would like to send her a birthday card, their physical address is: P.O. Box 6633, Madaraka, Morogoro, Tanzania.
2014 church accounts
The CBC accounts for 2014 have now been cleared by the accountant. A summarised draft was published in the Ministry Reports earlier this year, but if you would like a full copy, please let Michael Prior know and he will email it.
Soul Survivor
In just under four weeks’ time Dan and a group of 20 or so young people will be heading to Soul Survivor Christian youth festival at Shepton Mallet showground. However, in order to make this youth trip possible we need your help!
Here are two ways in which you can help support: 1) Drivers: we need individuals willing to drive young people to and/or from Shepton Mallet on Saturday morning the 15th and/or Thursday morning 20th August. 2) Prayer! That the young people will grow in friendships with one another and ultimately with God! If you can assist with transport, then please let Dan know. Thanks.
…This week…
Monday: Church Meeting, 8pm
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am
Thursday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am
…Looking ahead…
29th July: Midweek service, 2pm
11th August: The Lunch Club, 12pm
12th August: Midweek service, 2pm