Notice sheet for 10th January 2016

Notice sheet for 10th January 2016

Church Meeting

The first Church Meeting of 2016 will take place on Monday 18th January at 8pm. Agenda and minutes of previous meeting will be made available in due course.

Giving to CBC: blue envelope scheme

Blue Offering envelopes for 2016 are available from our treasurer, Michael Prior. If you like to give weekly to CBC by cash or cheque, one way of doing so is by putting a blue envelope into the offering bag, with your offering in it. These envelopes are dated weekly and have a reference number on them. The reference number is particularly useful if you are a Gift-Aid giver, as the number enables the treasurer to identify you when claiming the gift-aid.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This will take place from 18–24th January 2016. A list of venues and times is on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.

Youth Ministry by Dan Ovens

“At the start of this New Year, I thought it would be good to let you know how you can best pray for the young people in 2016, as we partner together in ‘telling the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord’.

My plan here is to give you a series of bullet points that can inform our prayers for the young people through the year.

  • Praise God for the many children & young people we have in our church and the ministries we have that bring Jesus to the young people of our community.
  • Praise God for a fruitful 2015, some highlights included:    

– Joy’s help leading the school Christian Union. The lower years Christian Union particularly continues to thrive.

– Steph serving on overseas mission in Bangladesh and Uganda.

– The opportunity for almost 40 of us to go to Chepstow for our Annual Youth Weekend Away, exploring Samson.

– Several young people sharing at two joint youth services, in March and October.

– Several young people stepping up to serve in areas of church life in both Corsham & Rudloe congregations.

  • Thank God for the amazing youth team, without which most ministry would not be possible. Pray that God will continue to empower, equip and grow each leader: Bex Larkman, Dan & Natalie Ovens, Nathan & Christine Coltman, James King, Joe & Anne Saunders, Hannah Spruijt, Joey & Emily Pillinger, Lucy Lewis, Jordan & Sam Wheeler, Callum Turnbull.
  • Please pray for the young people who moved on to university last summer and those heading off this summer. Pray that God would use this time to deepen faith in Him.
  • Please pray for our packed programme of activities for young people, that the programme will serve the young people in a way that is conducive to faith being nurtured and built up.
  • Please pray for the young people themselves. For their relationship with each other, family, friends and ultimately with God.
  • Please pray for me. In particular, God’s guidance in regards to some possible opportunities to extend the youth work further in our community. I am exploring possibilities of starting something in the community campus, Rudloe or in the Town Centre. I am also considering whether opening a prayer space in Corsham School and an Easter/Summer youth mission trip are an option.
  • Please pray for Gideon’s; they are an organization that give out bibles in prisons, hotels, schools and hospitals. The opportunity has arisen to take some representatives from Gideon’s into Corsham School with me when I next undertake assemblies. We will be distributing bibles to years 7-11 from 18th – 22nd

Finally, some dates for your diaries, if you are the parent of a young person…

Solid Joint Youth Event: 11th March, 7pm. Hosted by Kensington Baptist Church, Bristol.

Soul Survivor: 13-17th August. Shepton Mallet.

Youth Weekend Away: 21–23rd October. Chepstow.

For details of the weekly programme of activities we run for young people (aged 11-19), please refer to the youth & children’s flyer at the back of church, the youth board in the hall or the church website.


This month’s Connected gathering will take place at Sarah & Mike Blaikley’s home at 8pm on Saturday 30th January. Mike will be cooking, so please just bring some refreshments. Please let the Blaikleys know if you are coming by Sunday 24th.  Chat to Beth Mills for more information on these get-togethers.

Mission Prayer

The Mission Prayer Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th January at 7:45pm for an 8:00 start at the church. All are welcome.

This week at CBC…

Monday: Mum’s bible study, 10am

Wednesday: Early morning prayer in the Hut, 7.15am

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm

Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Prayer for Corsham and Gospel expansion, The Hut, 9.30am

Life groups have recommenced meeting. There are now approximately 13 life groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham! Please speak to Vicky Stephenson if you would like to join a group.

Looking ahead…

18th January: Church Meeting, 8pm

20th January: Midweek Service, 2pm

25th January: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

30th January: The Ark, 10am

30th January: Connected @ the Blaikleys’ 8pm

3rd February: Midweek Service, 2pm

6th February: Craft Club, 10am

7th February: Evening service, prayer meeting

9th February: The Lunch Club, 12 o’clock

17th February: Midweek Service, 2pm

22nd February: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

27th February: The Ark, 10am