Notice sheet for 15th May 2016

Notice sheet for 15th May 2016

Ladies’ Supper @ Priory Street tomorrow night!!

Monday 16th May, 7:30pm; Guest Speaker – Ruth Lancaster; Cost £5 for a curry! Please sign up on the sheet at the back. Fresh notes for study buddies are also on the table at the back. Please take one!

Gift Day – Tanzania Mission Trip, 5th June

On Sunday 5th June we will be having a gift day when all offerings via the offering bags will be used to support the building project at Sanga Sanga in Tanzania. The team is going to Tanzania from 21st June to 3rd July. If you wish to gift-aid your donation, please put it in a gift-aid envelope and write TANZANIA as the purpose of the donation. Late offerings towards this project will also be accepted until Sunday 12th June if they are in an envelope marked TANZANIA.  Alternatively, if you prefer to donate by bank transfer, please send your donation payable to Corsham Baptist Church 30-91-99  01480604, reference TANZANIA, and do this between 5th and 12th June.

Organising Communion

Is anyone willing to take over organising communion for the 9:15am service? If so, please have a chat to Roz or Joe Shillaker.

Midweek Service

The next midweek service will take place on Wednesday 18th May at 2pm. The text is Luke 20.1-26 and Eric Seager will be leading and preaching.

Weston Super Mare, Sunday 17th July 2016

We intend to have a coach trip to Weston Super Mare on Sunday 17th July leaving Corsham at 10:30 and returning at about 18:30. The cost will be £5 per seat. The intention will be to find a spot on the beach as a base for the day where we will hold a short time of worship together.  There will be opportunity to relax, catch up with old friends from the other congregations, play some games and have a wander around the seafront and, if you like, visit the pier.  You will need to bring a picnic lunch.  There are now forms available at the back for you to fill in. Please enclose your payment and leave in the office.  Any questions please speak to Stuart or Lynne Little.  Please note there will be a service at Priory Street on that morning for those who do not wish to go on this trip. It will be at 11:15am and led by Eric Seager.

Leadership Team Meetings

The leadership team meets once a month as a whole team and also by congregation. There will be a meeting tonight for the leadership team members who attend the 11:15am service namely, Eddie Larkman, Alan Christie, Joan Cooper, Wendy Rowe and Martin Sheringham. Please pray for our leaders as they seek to serve Christ and this local body.

The Ark

The next Ark is on Saturday 28th May at 10.00am and we will be doing Joshua.  Do come along and start half term off with a bang – we will be marching and making lots of noise with the walls coming down!!  Or if you’re heading off on holiday, why not postpone leaving till after the Ark!

Sound Desk, Evenings

We are very short of sound desk operators at the evening service. The system for the evening is a great deal simpler than for the morning. If you are a regular evening service attender, and would like to help in this way, please speak to Alan Christie or Steve Chilcott who is very happy to provide some training. Alternatively email Louise in the office. Thank you.

Mission & the Persecuted Church Prayer Meetings

The next meeting will be on Monday 23rd May at 7:30pm. All are welcome.  Please contact Gill for details of the special prayer meeting in June.

Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre

The ministry is flourishing and we are receiving many new clients. We currently only have four debt advisors so we are anxious to recruit more so that we can continue to serve the local community. If you feel that this is a role you could do, we would love to hear from you! To discuss what we do, please talk to Alan Christie, Alan Simon, Dave New or Roger Hammett.


This will be at the Reinier and Hannah’s house on Saturday 30th July. Please speak to Beth Mills for more information about this, and future, Connected events.

This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am, the Hut; ladies’ curry night, 7:30pm

Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am

Saturday: Prayer in the Hut, 8:30am

Looking ahead…

23rd May : Missions’ prayer meeting, 7:30pm

28th May : The Ark, 10:00am

29th May: Infant dedication, 9:15am

30th May: Spring Bank holiday

1st June : Midweek service, 2:00pm

4th June : Craft Club, 10:00am

5th June: Tanzania gift day

5th June: Lifegroup Leaders’ meeting, 2:30pm

5th June : Prayer meeting, 6pm

6th June : Missions’ prayer meeting

7th June: Men’s night, 7:00pm

14th June : Tuesday Lunch Club, 12 o’clock

15th June : Midweek service, 2:00pm

19th June: Infant dedication, 9:15am

21st June: Tanzania mission departs

There are 15 small groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham. Please contact Vicky Stephenson if you would like to find out more about which group might suit you!