Evening Service
Please note that ordinarily this evening’s service would be a prayer meeting. However, this has been changed to next Sunday 10th September. Tonight will be a normal service at 6pm with Matt Grylls preaching.
New Members
Following their baptisms last week, we are delighted to announce that John and Margaret Cole have been welcomed into membership of Corsham Baptist Church.
Grindrods’ four month mission trip
Neal and Lesley Grindrod depart for Austria on Friday! They will be writing a regular blog and have written their first entry! Please pray for their prep-arations and that God would use them in a mighty way as they serve refugees at the Oasis Centre.
Extracts from…”The Adventure Continues!”
“…we’ll be flying back out to Vienna on 8th September. This time we’ll be working with the Oasis Refugee Ministry for an extended period of four months, returning home on 7th January 2018. We’re especially excited as this means we’ll be able to share Christmas and New Year with the refugees. We’ve been truly blessed by the wonderful generosity of our church family in supporting us both financially, prayerfully and practically as we’ve been preparing for this trip. And we’ve been deluged with donations in response to requests from the Oasis team for various items that are currently in short supply. Once we’ve settled in, our intention is to update this blog with news, photos, prayer and praise reports every couple of weeks or so, as we did last year. You can easily check for updates by typing this link http://grindrods.simplesite.com/ into your internet browser. I’ll add new pages using the date as a header. Our love and blessings to you all. Neal and Lesley.”
Week of Prayer
Our annual week of prayer starts next Sunday, 10th September. More information and prayer sheets will be available next week.
Lancaster Quilt
The craft club has completed a quilt for the Lancasters! If anyone is travelling up to Scotland before Christmas by car preferably and would be willing to take the quilt to Steve’s parent’s, just this side of Scotland, address to be obtained soon, it would be very helpful. It is a King size and rather large for posting! Please speak to Pam Mitchell if you can help. Thank you.
Attention Women! – LIVING OUT GOD’S GRACE
It is a wonder and joy when we come to faith in Jesus through the gift of God’s amazing grace. Becoming Christ’s follower, though, is only the beginning! It is also about growing and becoming more like Jesus. It is hard work, and that’s where we can turn from His grace to works and get off track.
In this year’s women’s bible study, we will explore the grace of the gospel which brings us to faith in Christ and is the same grace which motivates us to live out our salvation; how to grow to maturity and holiness in Christ. To help us, we will consider Jesus’ life as he lived out the cycle of God’s grace while on earth.
If you’ve struggled with the Christian disciplines, and have found yourself weary, confused, or burnt out, this study will comfort and challenge you as you learn to rest in God’s grace in your journey to become more like Christ.
Our first study is on MONDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER at 7:30pm in the church hall. The hand outs for this study will be out soon! If you need a study buddy or don’t know what one is in this context, please see ANNE HOLMES. We hope to see you there!
Philippians Junior Church Group – can you help us?!
We are looking for an adult to help with the Philippians Junior Church group on the following days:
Sept 24th;
October 22nd;
December 17th, 24th and 31st
The children are aged 11-13 years old. No experience is needed. You will not need to lead or prepare anything. It is a real privilege to serve God in this way so if you are able to help, please see either Steve Bryant, Lisa Robinson or Wendy Rowe.
Reformation Remix Show – Sunday, October 8th at 6:30pm (doors open 6pm)
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation starting with Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. We owe a great deal to this period of church history, and to mark the occasion the Bible Society have created a show to tell the historical story in a very engaging and entertaining way. Corsham Baptist Church is hosting a live performance of the show (October 8th) and regardless of whether or not you’re are a keen historian this show is not to be missed! You’ll come away with a better understanding of this important period having also been well-entertained by the impeccable acting, humour and music. This is an open and free event, so please invite your friends to join too!
PA / Sound
We are very thin on the ground with PA/Sound desk people at the Sunday evening services. If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Steve Chilcott.
….Coming up…
8th September: Neal and Lesley depart for mission trip
8th-10th September: Church on the Green weekend away
10th September: 6pm prayer meeting
10th-17th September: Week of Prayer
13th September: Midweek service, 2pm
17th September: Praise evening, 6pm (conclusion of week of prayer)
18th September: Mission and Persecuted Church prayer meeting, 7:45pm
22-24th Sept: Men’s camping weekend, Grittleton
25th September: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
8th October: Harvest services; Reformation Remix, doors open 6pm