Notices 20th October 2019

Notices 20th October 2019

Priory Street (Corsham)

            9.15am             Alan Christie – Ps. 40

            11.15am             Alan Christie – Ps. 40

            6:00pm           Gathering round the Word (Rob Durant)

Church on the Green (Rudloe)

            10:00am           Rob Durant

Eddie and Kathy

A reminder that our pastor, Eddie, and his wife, Kathy, are on their one month break.  They will be returning at the end of October and Eddie will preach again at Priory Street on 3rd November.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Church Meeting

Tomorrow night at 8pm at Priory Street.  All members encouraged to attend.  Agendas, financial statement and previous minutes on the table at the back.

Women’s Bible Study

Next one takes place on Monday 28th October at 7:30pm.  Study notes are on the table at the back.  Please take one in advance of the meeting.

The Ark

The next Ark is on Saturday 26th October at 10.00am at Priory Street. Come along and enjoy Bible stories, puppets, craft, songs and refreshments if your child/ren are 0-7 years!! We’d love to see you.

Light Party Thursday 31st October 5-7pm

It’s that time of year again!!  Please put it in your diary.  If you are available to help, speak to Rhiannon. There is a sign up sheet at the back of church.  Please cover this event and all the preparations in prayer. 

Advance Date – Family Quiz Night

There will be a family quiz/pizza night for the 9:15 congregation on Saturday 16th November.  Please put the date in your diary.

Baptismal Service

We are looking to have a baptismal service on 8th December. If you feel this is a step God is prompting you to take, please speak to one of your congregational leaders.

Update on Steve and Ruth Lancaster

Steve is due to have a sinus operation on the 23rd October and will then need two weeks to recover.  If Steve makes a full recovery, they can travel back to Tanzania between 8th-18th November.  Please pray for patience, for the surgery and for a full recovery.

Christmas Carol Service

Our Christmas carols by candlelight service this year is being held on Sunday 15th December at 6pm at Priory Street.  If you would like to be involved in this service by way of singing or playing, please contact Nancy Sawyer, whose details can be obtained from the church office.

Meal Train

We are on the look out for more volunteers for the CBC Meal Train which offers meals to church members who are newly out of hospital, have recently had a baby, are struggling with ill-health etc. It is a wonderful service that offers support in a practical sense to our church family and beyond. If you are able to spare a meal on an ad hoc basis and don’t mind being contacted when the rota is put into action time, please email Many thanks.

Open Doors’ Event

On Sunday 3rd November, starting at 4pm, there will be an Open Doors’ event at Priory Street.  We will have a speaker from Open Doors and will be serving refreshments.  The normal Gathering to Pray service will follow at 6pm. The International Day for Prayer for the Persecuted Church is being held globally on 17th November but as a church, we are marking this day on the 3rd November.  If anyone can assist Vanessa with teas, she would be most grateful! Please contact either Vanessa or Louise in the office. Many thanks.

Women’s Retreat 2020

There will be a women’s retreat at Lox Lane from 17-19 July 2020.  The cost is £140 per person.  Deposit of £25 is required by 1st December 2019.  Limited numbers.  Leaflets are at the back.  Chat to Anne Holmes.

This week @ CBC

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; Church Meeting, 8pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMADAC, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm; youth weekend away

Saturday: The Ark, 10am

Upcoming events:

The Ark – 26th October

Youth Weekend away – 25-27 October

Women’s bible study – 28th October

Light Party – 31st October

Craft Group – 2nd November

Eddie preaching – 3rd November

Infant dedication – 3rd November 11:15am service

Open Doors’ event – 3rd November, 4pm

Remembrance Sunday – 10th November

Gathering to Praise @ Melksham Baptist Church – 17th November, 6pm