Priory Street (Corsham)
9.15am Matt Lee (John 18:15-27)
11.15am Ian Holmes (John 18:15-27)
6:00pm Gathering to Praise
Church on the Green (Rudloe)
10:00am Rob Durant
Family service (The Ark)
A family service will take place at Priory Street this afternoon at 3.30pm. The service will be fairly short and will finish with tea.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service takes place this Wednesday 20th March at 2pm. The text is Matthew 7:1-12. Eric Seager will lead and David Morrell will preach.
Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church
This will take place tomorrow night at 7:45pm at Priory Street. Please contact Wendy Rowe or Vanessa Naish for more details.
Women’s Bible Study
The next women’s bible study will take place on Monday 25th March at 7:30pm. Notes for the next study on Titus are on the table at the back. Please take a copy!
Steve Bryant’s Travels
Steve will be visiting East Asia until the 24th March. Your prayers are appreciated. Please speak to Gill for more information.
** Annual Holiday Bible Club 2019 **
Monday April 8th to Friday April 12th, 10am-12:30 each day; 5-11 year olds
This year’s theme will be animals, so come and join us for a noisy, fun-filled week! In order for this week to be a success your help is needed – there are sign-up sheets and registration forms at the back of church so please put your name down. Help is needed for set up (Sunday 7th), set down (Friday 12th at 12.30), group leaders and helpers, registration, sign in and out, worship, catering, serving refreshments, kitchen help, sound desk, projector. There are many roles so please speak to Rhiannon if you have any questions. Please pray for the preparation and planning for the club in the coming weeks.
The Ark
Don’t forgot the next Ark is on Saturday 30th March, 10am at Priory Street. We have a children’s service with puppets suitable for children up to seven years old (but all are welcome). It starts with craft and ends with drinks and cake!!
Paul Nossent
There will be a Thanksgiving Service for the life of Paul Nossent at CBC Priory Street on Friday 22nd March at 2pm followed by tea and cake. All welcome to attend.
Help Required @ The Gathering Weekend 29-30 June 2019
These are the following areas where we still need help for the above event: Refreshments; PA; Stewards / welcomers; Communion team; First aiders; Setup / breakdown team. There is a sign-up sheet at the back so please consider where you may be able to serve. Thank you.
Safeguarding Deacon
Nominations for a Safeguarding Deacon will open on Sunday 24th March. Please pray about this and whether you feel God is leading you to take on this important role in church life. Speak to Tim Stephenson or any leader if you would like more information. Nominations will close on Sunday 7th April and the election will take place at the Church Meeting on 15th April.
Annual Church Meeting
Our Annual Church Meeting will be held on Monday 15th April at 8pm. Previous minutes and agenda will be available at the back in due course. Everyone encouraged and welcome to attend!