Notices for 3rd March 2019

Notices for 3rd March 2019

Mission Trips’ Offering (Supporting Volunteers)

As we seek to play our part in spreading God’s love around the world, this morning we will be holding a thank offering to build up a fund to support self-funding adults who volunteer to serve on our future Mission Teams. This year, teams will be going out to support an AIM conference in Uganda and to help with construction work at the AIM Sanga Sanga conference centre in Tanzania.  The money raised will be lodged in our Restricted Mission Trips Fund. Special yellow envelopes for your Gift Day offering are available on the table at the back of the building. Please mark the envelope MISSION TRIPS’ THANK OFFERING, and if you are able to gift aid your donation, please complete the declaration on the envelope.  If you are not able to do this, please just score out the declaration. Only the contents of the yellow envelopes will be included in the Thank Offering total.  Blue envelopes and loose cash/cheques will be treated as regular giving to the general work of the church.

The mission team list going to Uganda from 9-16 August is almost complete; those definitely going are: Eddie and Kathy Larkman, Dan Ovens, Rhiannon Price, Chris Sapiano, Sharon Durant, Joy Wingrave, Sara Stone, Joe Rowe, Tom Price.  We look forward to announcing the remaining team members soon!

Men’s Curry Night

This Tuesday 5th March; CBC Priory Street; 7:30pm – please communicate with Ian Holmes or a member of the Men’s Ministry Team so they can gauge numbers for the event.

Paul Nossent

The short cremation service for Paul will be on Friday 8th March at West Wilts Crematorium (Semington) at 9am. There will be a Thanksgiving Service at CBC Priory Street, on Friday 22nd March at 2pm followed by tea and cake.  All welcome to attend.

Midweek Service

The text for the Wednesday service on 6th March is Matthew 6.19-34.  Eric Seager will be leading and preaching and there will be communion.  All welcome.

Church Directory 2019

The church directory is now available.  It may be accessed in three ways: on our website (log in to the members’ area – speak to Tim Stephenson if you are unsure how to do this); emailed to you in PDF format; paper copy (make a request through the office).

Family service (The Ark)

A family service will take place at Priory Street on 17th March at 3.30pm.  The service will be fairly short and will finish with tea. Please put the date in your diary and start inviting family and friends along. We’ll also be advertising it at the Ark, Toddler group etc.  Many thanks.

Accommodation for summer course 2019

For the last two years, CBC has hosted the WEC MK Staff Training course in July/August.. The course is scheduled to take place again, from Sunday 21st July to Thursday 1st August 2019. Some participants will only stay till Saturday 27th July. If you are able to provide accommodation (including breakfast and most evening meals) for someone for all or part of this time, please contact Steve and Gill Bryant. Thank you so much for your help.

Chippenham Street Pastors

Several of our church members are involved in Chippenham Street Pastors.  There will be a celebration service on 13th March at 7:30pm at St. Paul’s Church, Chippenham.  The night will include worship, testimony and prayer to celebrate this ministry which started in 2011.  Please go along if you are interested in joining or simply wish to encourage those already involved.

Opportunities to Serve the Corsham Community as a Foodbank Trustee

The Corsham Churches Foodbank has been serving the community for around seven years now, and many of the Trustees have served from the outset.  Whilst we have the experience, we are all getting older and are looking for new blood to refresh both us, and our work.  If you would like to find out more about serving as one of our Trustees, we would love to hear from you. For more information contact Roger or Hazel Hammett in the 11.15 or call 01249 715816.

Help Required @ The Gathering Weekend 29-30 June 2019

These are the following areas where we still need help for the above event : Refreshments; PA; Stewards / welcomers; Communion team; First aiders; Setup / breakdown team.  There is a sign up sheet at the back so please consider where you may be able so serve. Thank you.

Lent Course 2019

There will be a five week Lent Course titled ‘Daring to see God now’ for all churches in the Corsham area starting from week commencing 11th March. A poster with more details is at the back. The course will run on a Monday evening at 7:30pm in St. Aldhelm’s Church Hall (coffee/tea from 7pm) and repeated on the Thursday morning of the same week at 10:30am in St. Patrick’s Hall (coffee/tea from 10am). A limited number of course booklets are available as an optional purchase (but not essential to attending the course) at £3 each. They can also be purchased direct from the website or 01904 466516.  David Morrell will be speaking on Week One – The Good News of God.

Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s bible study will take place on, Monday 25th March at 7:30pm.  Notes for the next study on Titus are on the table at the back.  Please take a copy!

Prayer for Unsaved Relatives

There is another opportunity to pray for your unsaved relatives on Wednesday March 13th from 2.00-3.00pm in the church.  Please speak to Helen Christie for further details.

Steve Bryant’s Travels

Steve will be visiting East Asia from 3rd to 24th March. Your prayers are appreciated. Please see Steve or Gill if you would like to know more.

Safeguarding Deacon

Nominations for a Safeguarding Deacon will open on Sunday 24th March.  Please pray about this and whether you feel God is leading you to take on this important role in church life.  Please speak to Tim Stephenson or any leader if you would like more information.  Nominations will close on Sunday 7th April and the election will take place at the Church Meeting on 15th April.

…This week…