Gift Day – Tanzania Mission Trip
Today is a gift day when all offerings via the offering bags will be used to support the building project at Sanga Sanga in Tanzania. The team is going to Tanzania from 21st June to 3rd July. If you wish to gift-aid your donation, please put it in a gift-aid envelope and write TANZANIA as the purpose of the donation. Late offerings towards this project will also be accepted until Sunday 12th June if they are in an envelope marked TANZANIA. Alternatively, if you prefer to donate by bank transfer, please send your donation payable to Corsham Baptist Church 30-91-99 01480604, reference TANZANIA, and do this between 5- 12 June.
Missions’ Prayer Meeting
There will be a prayer meeting tomorrow night at 7:45pm for Missions and the persecuted church. It is the start of the Muslim world’s Ramadan and so we will be focusing on this. We will also pray for our missionaries and the mission activities in which CBC is involved. Please speak to Wendy Rowe for more details.
Men’s Curry Night
On Tuesday, 7th June, Steve Lancaster is going to speak to the men on faith and life (based on his recent experiences), accompanied by a curry! Speak to Ian Holmes if you want to go.
Calling all Compassion child sponsors
As we are preparing the missions’ notice board we would like copies of the photos of the children you sponsor through Compassion, along with their Christian name and the country in which they live. These can be handed to Wendy Rowe, John or Rachael Loescher (11:15am) or Kathy Ewins (9:15am) or Sue Wingrave (Church on the Green) as soon as you are able to. This will help others to consider being involved in lifting children out of poverty in Jesus’ name. Thank you.
Friday 10th June, 5.30 – 6.30pm, New youth group, ** Energize **
A new youth group is starting at church!! This group is for Years 6 and 7 and will run during term time. If you know any children in this age group, please take a flyer and invite them along. Please pray for this new group as we reach out to young people in this age range.
Weston Super Mare, Sunday 17th July 2016
We intend to have a coach trip to Weston Super Mare on Sunday 17th July leaving Corsham at 10:30am and returning at about 6:30pm. The cost is £5 per seat.
There are now forms available at the back for you to fill in. Please enclose your payment and leave in the office. There will be a service at Priory Street on that morning for those who do not wish to go on this trip. It will be at 11:15am and led by Eric Seager.
Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre
The ministry is flourishing and we are receiving many new clients. We currently only have four debt advisors so we are anxious to recruit more so that we can continue to serve the local community. If you feel that this is a role you could do, we would love to hear from you! To discuss what we do, please talk to Alan Christie, Alan Simon, Dave New or Roger Hammett.
Tuesday Lunch Club
The next TLC will take place on Tuesday 14th June at Priory Street. Please speak to Wendy Prior if you would like to know more. The next Lunch Club get-together will be the annual summer party to be held on Saturday 9th July at 3:00pm.
Safe to Grow (Child Protection) Training
Saturday 17th September: 9 – 12.30pm @ CBC. For ALL involved in children’s and youth work in the Church, as part of new Baptist Union regulations. This includes helpers for the Ark, Junior Church, Toddler Group & Youth work activities. Please note the date in your diaries and confirm availability with Louise du Toit or Rhiannon Price. We can train 30 at a time, so once full we will arrange a second training date.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am
Tuesday: Men’s curry night, 7pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer in the Hut, 8:30am
Looking ahead…
14th June : Tuesday Lunch Club, 12 o’clock
15th June : Midweek service, 2:00pm
19th June: Infant dedication, 9:15am
21st June: Tanzania mission departs
25th June: The Ark, 10am
27th June: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
29th June: Midweek service, 2pm
2nd July: Craft Club, 10am
3rd July: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm
9th July: Annual TLC Summer Party, 3:00pm
10th July: Mission Sunday and “International Tea”
13th July: Midweek Service, 2:00pm
17th July: Church day out to Weston Supermare
17th July: No evening service
27th July: Midweek service, 2:00pm
30th July: “Connected” @ Spruijts
There are 15 small groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham. Please contact Vicky Stephenson if you would like to find out more about which group might suit you!